koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Precise control instead of --toggle

0PandaDEV opened this issue · comments

Is it possible to precisely control a window, for example
yabai -m window --toggle float
would be
yabai -m window --off float

This could be very useful also for other properties.

This is what I've been looking for too. It seems like such a simple functionality.

if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi

if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi

That's definitely a workaround, but it would be nice to have a built-in method. I'll use it nevertheless, thank you.

Things that are very primitive to script are unlikely to be added. I prefer the CLI to remain consistent across all commands. Same approach as above is used if you want to cycle space layouts, window focus, cycle windows inside a layout etc. or do other things that can be achieved by chaining commands

if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi

ok but this does not work for me when i try to use it within skhd

cmd + shift - left : yabai -m window --warp west
cmd + shift - down : if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi && \
                    yabai -m window --off zoom-fullscreen
cmd + shift - up : yabai -m window --on float && \
                   yabai -m window --on zoom-fullscreen
cmd + shift - right : yabai -m window --warp east
alt - q : if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi

Works just fine for me. Check logs at /tmp/skhd_$USER.[err|out].log

for me it still does not work even though i removed the other line under it beacsue the [ is still redimage

for me it still does not work even though i removed the other line under it beacsue the [ is still redimage

Which shell are you using? try:
bash -c "if [ $(yabai -m query --windows is-floating --window | jq -re '."is-floating"') = true ]; then yabai -m window --toggle float; fi"

Which shell are you using?
