koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning

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Yabai Window Move and Resize

takahashi-mei opened this issue · comments

Yabai after 7.0.0 seemed to have altered how I can trigger window move and resize, which was through BetterTouchTool's by simulating fn + left mouse click when I three-finger tapped.

The only way I can move the window now is holding down fn (set in Yabai config) or ctrl + cmd (defaults write -g NSWindowShouldDragOnGesture -bool true) and physically clicking, if I try to trigger movement with simulated mouse clicks, the window stutters in place as I try to move it around. I'm hoping there's a direction I can be pointed towards troubleshooting.


So the way this works is that yabai intercepts the click event. This is used to detect which window is to be operateed on.
If there are drag-events that follow, the window will be moved accordingly, until the mouse-up event is received.

Upon mouse-up received, we check if the window is a floating window, and if yes, do nothing. If it is a managed window, we either swap/warp if is it dropped on some other managed window, or move it back to its assigned region if not.

I have no idea how BTT simulates the click and how that changes the state in macOS. You can enable yabai -m config debug_output on and see which events are being processed when you do this.

After some testing with BTT and Karabiner / reading through referenced issues #1809 #1378 and 1240042, I thinking it's because BTT simulates clicks higher than kCGHIDEventTap. My understanding is that since Karabiner creates a virtual driver and sends input as if it's from hardware, Yabai will respond to Karabiner inputs but not from BTT.

For now I will simply roll back to a previous version, since I wasn't having the issues described in that update. Thank you for all your work on this!

After some testing with BTT and Karabiner / reading through referenced issues #1809 #1378 and 1240042, I thinking it's because BTT simulates clicks higher than kCGHIDEventTap. My understanding is that since Karabiner creates a virtual driver and sends input as if it's from hardware, Yabai will respond to Karabiner inputs but not from BTT.

For now I will simply roll back to a previous version, since I wasn't having the issues described in that update. Thank you for all your work on this!

I'm experiencing a similar problem while connecting to a mac via macOS Screen Sharing. What version of yabai did you revert to, if I may ask?

After some testing with BTT and Karabiner / reading through referenced issues #1809 #1378 and 1240042, I thinking it's because BTT simulates clicks higher than kCGHIDEventTap. My understanding is that since Karabiner creates a virtual driver and sends input as if it's from hardware, Yabai will respond to Karabiner inputs but not from BTT.
For now I will simply roll back to a previous version, since I wasn't having the issues described in that update. Thank you for all your work on this!

I'm experiencing a similar problem while connecting to a mac via macOS Screen Sharing. What version of yabai did you revert to, if I may ask?

I rolled back to e5370a1, just right before v7.