kobolabs / epub-spec

Details on the elements of the ePub spec that Kobo supports, as well as other information on the Kobo reading platforms.

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"text-decoration: line-through" Line Thickness is Too Thin and Can't be Changed

ourichermath opened this issue · comments

On my Forma (Software Version 4.33.19759 (5240404f16, 7/20/22)) with an epub3 source of a kepub, the thickness of the line is too thin in <del>, <s> and a custom css of:

.strike {
text-decoration: line-through;

It also seems that I cannot change that line thickness. I've tried various combinations of the elements in:

.strike {
text-decoration-line: line-through;
text-decoration-style: solid;
text-decoration-color: black;
text-decoration-thickness: 5px;

and nothing helps. If that "text-decoration-line: line-through;" line is present, the line on my Forma disappears entirely. If I revert back to "text-decoration: line-through;", none of the other options make any difference.

I guess the key to changing the line thickness would be text-decoration-thickness. Unfortunately, it's css4, not css3. Still, the default strikethrough (and, it looks like, underline) line should not be rendering at an approximate 1px (i.e., darn near invisible). The problem occurs with the <del>, <s> and the deprecated <strike> as well. Since they all, apparently, are driven by text-decoration:line-through, that seems to be the problem.