koajs / joi-router

Configurable, input and output validated routing for koa

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ability to specify Joi validation options without using Joi objects as schemas

kotarac opened this issue · comments

Hey there!

Considering using koa-joi-router on our next few projects.

One issue I ran into is no ability to set options for Joi other than specifying the validation as Joi objects everytime and chaining an options call.
body: joi.object({ email: joi.string().email().required(), password: joi.string().required(), }).options({abortEarly: false}),

This is a bit tedious if you want something set for every validation everywhere.
F.ex. I'd like abortEarly: false to get all validation errors at once.

The way I see it, it could be done 2 ways:

  1. have individual options in the validation spec (abortEarly, convert, etc.)
  2. whole options object in the validation spec

Potential problems:
These "global" options overriding individual validations sent as Joi objects with options specified (like in the example above).

I'd be willing to tackle this and submit a PR if everyone's ok with the changes - already have solution 1. ready.

I think this sounds like a cool idea, I too like the abortEarly:false, and would like to be able to tweak the skipUnknown option.

I think (in my humble opinion as a user and not a contributor) that if you have a 'stained-glass' model, where more local overwrites more global defaults with 'route' options taking precedence over global options would be super flexible.

@kotarac I'm curious, do you have a branch with your fixes in it? I might want to try that out

@paul42 I'll get back to you, I've since decided against using joi-router but think I still have the option 1. somewhere.

Was looking for the same, would be a good idea to have global options.

i'd second (more like tenth) this as well. just ran into similar issues as described by @kotarac.

since this has been marked as help wanted, i may get around to create an PR for this. Please let me if someone is already working on it?

@rodolfoamarques please open a PR.