koajs / compose

Middleware composition utility

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

use compose() throw "app.use require a generator function"

tiodot opened this issue · comments

I write three generator ,a, b and c:
use compose:

var all = compose([a, b, c]);

run, then throw a error:

app.use require a generator function

Then I try:


It work well.

try npm i --save koa-compose@2

koa-compose@3 has breaking chages for koa@2

Since Koa v2 is still alpha (and I don't expect to want to use it until async/await are native!), could you dist-tag koa-compose@3.0.0 as 'next' in npm, with 2.3.0 as 'latest'? (as Koa itself is dist-tagged, in fact).

+1 for koa-compose@3 as next

peerDependencies :D

Even better! I stand corrected :)

@chrisveness peerDependencies aren't better because they're deprecated in npm 3. They still give you a warning when the deps don't match up, but that could change in the next version.

Ok, I thought peerDependencies had simply changed in npm 3 (warning instead of auto-installing), I wasn't aware they were deprecated; however, I'm happy to bow to the experts (@tj, @tejasmanohar), I just want want Koa 1 dependencies to work smoothly for me until such time as async/await are native in v8 and I can go to Koa 2 without transpiling – I'm not really worried about how it happens...

a) not an expert
b) I may be wrong about peerDependencies- will check on that. You should get koa-compose@2.3.0 when you npm install koa-compose now (at least, you will on latest NPM). See here.

@chrisveness You're right about peerDependencies. My bad. +1 for that. // cc @tj

Good stuff, thx for dist-tags

kia-compose's latest is v2 so this should no longer be a problem