koajs / bodyparser

Koa body parsing middleware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[fix] `encoding` is still required in TS even though it has default value from `co-body`

JeromeDeLeon opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Node.js version: 18.6.1
OS version: macOS 12.6

Description: When I used the v5 of this lib, I am getting a type error from the encoding field being required but the README.md says that it has a default value suggesting it isn't required.

- **encoding**: requested encoding. Default is `utf-8` by `co-body`.

Another thing is that encoding is not being passed on to the co-body's parse function so it seems useless compared to v4 where it uses copy-to's copy function to merge options.


Lines 50 to 111 in 5678a79

const jsonOpts = formatOptions(opts, 'json');
const formOpts = formatOptions(opts, 'form');
const textOpts = formatOptions(opts, 'text');
const xmlOpts = formatOptions(opts, 'xml');
const extendTypes = opts.extendTypes || {};
extendType(jsonTypes, extendTypes.json);
extendType(formTypes, extendTypes.form);
extendType(textTypes, extendTypes.text);
extendType(xmlTypes, extendTypes.xml);
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
return async function bodyParser(ctx, next) {
if (ctx.request.body !== undefined || ctx.disableBodyParser)
return await next(); // eslint-disable-line no-return-await
try {
const res = await parseBody(ctx);
ctx.request.body = 'parsed' in res ? res.parsed : {};
if (ctx.request.rawBody === undefined) ctx.request.rawBody = res.raw;
} catch (err) {
if (onerror) {
onerror(err, ctx);
} else {
throw err;
await next();
async function parseBody(ctx) {
if (
enableJson &&
((detectJSON && detectJSON(ctx)) ||
isTypes(ctx.request.get('content-type'), jsonTypes))
) {
return await parse.json(ctx, jsonOpts); // eslint-disable-line no-return-await
if (enableForm && ctx.request.is(formTypes)) {
return await parse.form(ctx, formOpts); // eslint-disable-line no-return-await
if (enableText && ctx.request.is(textTypes)) {
return (await parse.text(ctx, textOpts)) || '';
if (enableXml && ctx.request.is(xmlTypes)) {
return (await parse.text(ctx, xmlOpts)) || '';
return {};
function formatOptions(opts, type) {
const res = {};
res.limit = opts[type + 'Limit'];
return res;

compared to v5 where it limits the options

const parserOptions = {
// force co-body return raw body
returnRawBody: true,
strict: bodyType === 'json' ? restOpts.jsonStrict : undefined,
[`${bodyType}Types`]: mimeTypes[bodyType],
limit: restOpts[`${shouldParseBodyAs('xml') ? 'xml' : bodyType}Limit`],
return parser[bodyType](ctx, parserOptions) as Promise<
Record<string, string>

so I'm not entirely sure if we should document this as breaking changes that we're not able to override the encoding or any other values or fix this type of issue.

Also, I think it's an issue with co-body type declaration where they explicitly put undefined as part of the type telling us to explicitly pass a value of undefined


Actual behavior

Argument of type '{ jsonLimit: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'BodyParserOptions'.
  Property 'encoding' is missing in type '{ jsonLimit: string; }' but required in type 'Pick<Options, "encoding">'.ts(2345)

Expected behavior

Should not be getting any type of error

Code to reproduce

For whatever reason, I wasn't able to replicate it in the TS playground but I was able to replicate it in CodeSandbox.


bodyParser({ ...yourOptions, encoding: undefined }) // only if you're not overriding it


  • I have searched through GitHub issues for similar issues.
  • I have completely read through the README and documentation.
  • I have tested my code with the latest version of Node.js and this package and confirmed it is still not working.

Thanks @JeromeDeLeon for your catch! Yup, it looks like an issue with the co-body, and from our side we don't pass the encoding option ... I am working on it and expect the new release soon!