knownasilya / just-auth

Simple token based authentication for Express.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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Simple SPA focused token based authentication for Express.js This library follows convention over configuration, but configuration is available 😉.


Download node at and install it, if you haven't already.

npm install just-auth --save


const express = require('express');
const justAuth = require('just-auth');
const app = express();
const auth = justAuth({
  secret: 'c47sRfunny101',

  getUser(email, callback) {
    // if error: callback({ myerror: 'failure' });
    // if success: callback(undefined, { email: 'my@email', passwordHash: '%asdaq42ad..' });

  // Default behavior (don't specify if this suites you)
  configureToken(user) {
    // user without passwordHash
    return user;

app.use('/auth', auth.router);

// Can also use `succeeded()` and `failed()` for redirects, etc.
// See
app.use('/api/admin', auth.middleware.required());


POST to /auth/login with { email: 'my@email', password: 'bacon' }. Result will be JSON, e.g. { token: '2mkql3...' }.

Note: To use the built in password utilities, you can use the following:

const passUtils = require('just-auth/lib/password');

const isValid = passUtils.validate(pass, hash);

passUtils.hash(pass, function (err, hash) {
  // error or hash

Available Options

  • secret - String, required.
  • loginEndpoint - String, defaults to '/login'.
  • idField - String, defaults to 'email', the field name of the identifier for the user. The value of this field is passed to the getUser function.
  • passwordField - String, defaults to 'password'.
  • passwordHashField - String, defaults to 'passwordHash'.
  • rememberMeField - String, defaults to 'rememberMe'.
  • rememberMeAdditionalMinutes - Number, defaults to 13 days in minutes.
  • tokenOptions - Object, defaults to this. See full options here.


  • getUser - Required; Function, function (id, callback), should return a user object or an error via the callback.
  • configureToken - Function, function (user), should return the data that you want in the token, defaults to user if not specified.
  • validatePassword - Function, function (password, passwordHash) should return a promise. By default this is pbkdf2Utils.verify, see here.


npm install
npm test




Simple token based authentication for Express.js

License:ISC License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%