knownasilya / ember-toggle

Checkbox based Toggle Switches for Ember

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{{x-toggle}} inside of an extended `Ember.LinkComponent`

alexdiliberto opened this issue · comments

Here's a twiddle to reproduce:

It's a bit of an edge case but intuitively I would expect that it works.

You render a {{x-toggle}} inside of a parent component. The parent component in this case is export default Ember.LinkComponent.extend. I created another dummy component which has 2 click handlers to show that those fire under similar conditions.

In this twiddle the x-toggle/component#sendToggle() action is never triggered when rendered inside of the LinkComponent

NOTE: This behavior was working previously with a similar setup. In the twiddle change the version to "ember-cli-toggle": "3.0.0" and change the action to onToggle=(mut val) instead of onToggle=(action (mut val)) and it works as expected

Sounds like an edge case that shouldn't be fixed. Instead of extending the LinkComponent you should be using and the router service when it's available. And really, it should be a wrapper component that contains the link and toggle side by side.

Let me know if that's a sufficient work around for you. Otherwise, I can look into it.

If there is a reason that you cannot use the above workaround, please leave a comment and we can figure out something. Otherwise, I'm closing this since there is no activity.