knownasilya / ember-toggle

Checkbox based Toggle Switches for Ember

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v6.0.1 label tagName: '' update is a breaking change

raido opened this issue · comments

Recent v6.0.1 which converted label component to tagless component is kind of a breaking change.

See my comment on the commit:


Give v6.0.2 a try.

The change overall is nice but it turned out one other implicit behaviour had changed.

Before v6.0.1 label elements were always rendered even if contents itself were empty:


After v6.0.1 things are wrapped in if - which is the actual reason why tests in my app begin to fail with upgrading.

Because before v6.0.1 label elements were always rendered and those elements have actions on them, so simulating click in acceptance tests worked fine. Now it does not.

Only way I can make my tests work again is to use something like:

// template
<XToggle data-test-checkbox="my-stuff" .../> 

// in tests
await click('[data-test-checkbox="my-stuff"] .x-toggle-btn');

Switch component does not do any ...attributes spreading either:

Better "workaround" for my situation is actually to begin adding specific name on elements:

<XToggle @name="my-button">

await click('input[name="my-button"]');

And avoid using data-test attributes I guess?

For reference:

Before v6.0.1 label elements were always rendered even if contents itself were empty:

This was the case, but I think was the wrong behavior.

Switch component does not do any ...attributes spreading either:

This component is not tagless, so Ember applies the attributes automatically.

Better "workaround" for my situation is actually to begin adding specific name on elements:
<XToggle @name="my-button">
await click('input[name="my-button"]');

Might be worth documenting a basic test setup.

This component is not tagless, so Ember applies the attributes automatically.

This is correct but since none of the actions are bound to the outer switch span element but instead on input/label elements directly it's no use.

Triggering click on outer span has no effect.

Yeah, understood, but for accessibility the span should not be clickable. On another note, if we added ...attributes to the label since that's the visible clickable node, anything added will also be added to the base element, which is probably not what we want.

The real solution is to convert to Glimmer Components and set attributes only on the label. I'll probably be tackling that sometime in the next month.

Yes, that sounds like a proper solution.