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Integrate node-meatspace data onto site

hackygolucky opened this issue · comments

node-meatspace tweet exchange

After a discussion began on Twitter regarding the maintenance of node-meatspace, I offered to help maintain the list as I was already keeping this information myself. I had also intended to pull this information in the future anyway as a way to keep the community updated without having to migrate to another site.

Hoping to extend the knode/meetups API to allow for use with this information as well. Minimal effort for maximum output and content for YAY!

@hackygolucky I'd be willing to help out with a node-meatspace integration.

Sweet! That will be a huge help. We have a lot of fast-moving parts right
now, and the sooner we can get this helpful content up the better. See: the
knode/meetups repo API for starters.
@chrisdickinson has been our go-to for that so far.

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 4:37 PM, Ross Kukulinski

@hackygolucky I'd be willing to help
out with a node-meatspace integration.

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