kndndrj / nvim-dbee

Interactive database client for neovim

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ui interactive commands

kndndrj opened this issue · comments

Some research needs to be done for implementation of interactive commands in results buffer.

Examples of these commands are:

  • goto foreign key
  • delete row
  • duplicate row
  • change cell value

TODO: investigate what works and what makes sense to progress the story

If anyone stumbles upon this issue, any help/feedback is valuable.


What's exactly the issue with change cell value and goto foreign key? It seems like NuiTable provide a way to get the cell under the cursor using table:get_cell() (if I understood nui docs correctly), then you can show vim.ui.input dialog or something like that and either modify the table in memory and save later, or directly save to the database. Deleting rows also should be doable with a custom mapping.

Not sure how duplication should work though, I don't think using nvim's yank is a good idea.

@33KK thanks for taking interest in the issue.

This issue is more of a placeholder for me, that once I get some time to work on it, I remember what I set out to do!

Unfortunately, I think there are still some other fundamental things, that are more important to be done before I put any effort into this :)