knadh / koanf

Simple, extremely lightweight, extensible, configuration management library for Go. Support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.

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Default values from Tags for missing config values

tburschka opened this issue · comments

It's not a bug in koanf, but i need help to find the right way to solve the issue.

I've created this repository with a minimal example:

The idea is to define configuration values only "partially" and fill up the residual values via default tag.
Therefore i was using for this, but my issue is that there are no additional information that the fields were set and aren't the initial values (e.g. false for a boolean).

My current approach is to create a custom provider which contains the current koanf (or confMap) to check against another confmap which holds only the default values from the target struct. (Not knowing how to create such a config map that holds the same structure).
Another approach which come to my mind while writing this is a custom DecodeHookFunc.
I'm a little bit lost and would be thankful for an idea how to solve this.


An example can be found in the test:

I'm not sure if it fully solves your requirement of using struct tags, but maybe you can utilize the structs package to load the default config.


So, how it can look like is this:

// hardcode it
var DefaultConfig MyConfig = DefaultConfig{

// or 
func initDefaults() MyConfig {
	myConf := MyConfig{}
	if err := defaults.Set(&obj); err != nil {
        return myConf

func InitConfig(fpath string) MyConfig {
    // Load defaults from hardcoded struct.

    // or
    // use the defaults package

    // Override from file.

    // Override config struct with cli flags

I finally solved this. First approach was a custom provider, but i swapped to a custom decode hook:

package defaults

import (


func Defaults(keyTag string, defaultTag string) mapstructure.DecodeHookFunc {
	return func(f reflect.Value, t reflect.Value) (interface{}, error) {
		tType := t.Type()

		if tType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
			for i := 0; i < tType.NumField(); i++ {
				setDefault(f, tType.Field(i), keyTag, defaultTag)

		return f.Interface(), nil

func setDefault(f reflect.Value, t reflect.StructField, keyTag string, defaultTag string) {
	if f.Kind() == reflect.Map {
		key, _, _ := strings.Cut(t.Tag.Get(keyTag), ",")
		val, ok := t.Tag.Lookup(defaultTag)
		if !ok {

		// check for key in the map
		for _, e := range f.MapKeys() {
			// key found, already set, nothing to do
			if key == e.String() {

		fVal := reflect.ValueOf(val)

		// special handling for empty/missing structs
		tType := t.Type
		if tType.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
			// create an empty map
			fVal = reflect.ValueOf(map[string]any{})
			for i := 0; i < tType.NumField(); i++ {
				setDefault(fVal, tType.Field(i), keyTag, defaultTag)

		// add missing key with default to the map
		f.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key), fVal)

it iterates over the structs and set the defaults. Note that this decodehook should be the first in the order:

	config := &Config{}
	_ = k.UnmarshalWithConf("", config, koanf.UnmarshalConf{
		Tag: "yaml",
		DecoderConfig: &mapstructure.DecoderConfig{
			DecodeHook: mapstructure.ComposeDecodeHookFunc(
				defaults.Defaults("yaml", "default"),
			Metadata:         nil,
			Result:           config,
			WeaklyTypedInput: true,

Also, it's important, that you set the defaults for slices [] and structs {} if you want the decode hook to handle them.

Finally, since i use two sources, the default merge approach is not working, so i needed a custom merge func.
I use mergo with the WithSliceDeepCopy option.

import 	""

// [...]
	_ = k.Load(file.Provider(name), yaml.Parser())
   _ = k.Load(env2json.Provider(configEnvPrefix, configEnvDelim, func(s string) string {
   	return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(s, configEnvPrefix+configEnvDelim))
   }), json.Parser(), koanf.WithMergeFunc(func(src, dest map[string]interface{}) error {
   	return mergo.Merge(&dest, src, mergo.WithSliceDeepCopy)

I've created tests for all these cases ( It works like a charm. I keep it online so in case anyone needs this, he can use it...