kmetz / coro2sens

Build a simple device that warns if CO₂ concentration in a room becomes a risk for COVID-19 aerosol infections.

Repository from Github https://github.comkmetz/coro2sensRepository from Github https://github.comkmetz/coro2sens

BME280 | bme280 stops after the first reading

floriandusch opened this issue · comments

Hi @kmetz,
thanks a lot for the great instructions. Everything works beautifully over here.
The only small issue i have is, that bme280isConnected changes to false after the first reading of the BME280 sensor.
I can't seem to solve it... any pointers?

Thanks much in advance!

Thanks! I will look into this ASAP.

Ok, with the much appreciated help and feedback of @htor-j I was able to fix this, BME280 has to run in MODE_NORMAL instead of MODE_FORCED, the latter requires to re-set forced mode before each reading (it goes into sleep mode afterwards). Normal mode will update readings internally periodically and is also recommended when using filters (see datasheet).

Please use 71cc121 / v1.2.2 +.

It's working now. Thanks for the fix, @kmetz!