kmelodi / EasyBimehLanding_JAVA

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Getting started


یک ساب برند از ایزی بیمه است که وظیفه ارائه خدمات

B2B و B2B2C

را برپایه وب سرویس و وایت لیبل بر عهده دارد. اگر اپلیکیشن و یا سایت غیر بیمه‌ای دارید و تمایل به فروش بیمه نامه دارید از امروز میتوانید با کمترین هزینه و کمترین زمان به زنجیره نوآوری در صنعت بیمه متصل شوید و تجارت جدیدی بسازید

به دلیل گستردگی پروژه و برای دسترسی بهتر، این پروژه به بخش های مختلف تقسیم شده است

و هر بخش در 10 پلتفرم مختلف، ارایه شده است

در این بخش، به وب سرویس های مربوط به صفحه ی لندینگ مرکز بیمه، دسترسی خواهید داشت که

اطلاعات هر پلتفرم را میتوانید بصورت تجمیعی در آدرس زیر مشاهده نمایید

و یا بصورت مجزا در آدرس های زیر قابل درسترس می باشند

1- Android:

2- .Net:

3- Ios:

4- Java:

5- Php:

6- Python:

7- Ruby:

8- Angular:

9- NodeJs:

10- Go:

برای اطلاعات بیشتر به آدرس زیر مراجعه نمایید

How to Build

The generated code uses a few Maven dependencies e.g., Jackson, UniRest, and Apache HttpClient. The reference to these dependencies is already added in the pom.xml file will be installed automatically. Therefore, you will need internet access for a successful build.

  • In order to open the client library in Eclipse click on File -> Import.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 1

  • In the import dialog, select Existing Java Project and click Next.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 2

  • Browse to locate the folder containing the source code. Select the detected location of the project and click Finish.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 3

  • Upon successful import, the project will be automatically built by Eclipse after automatically resolving the dependencies.

Importing SDK into Eclipse - Step 4

How to Use

The following section explains how to use the EasyBimehLanding library in a new console project.

1. Starting a new project

For starting a new project, click the menu command File > New > Project.

Add a new project in Eclipse

Next, choose Maven > Maven Projectand click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 1

Here, make sure to use the current workspace by choosing Use default Workspace location, as shown in the picture below and click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 2

Following this, select the quick start project type to create a simple project with an existing class and a main method. To do this, choose maven-archetype-quickstart item from the list and click Next.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 3

In the last step, provide a Group Id and Artifact Id as shown in the picture below and click Finish.

Create a new Maven Project - Step 4

2. Add reference of the library project

The created Maven project manages its dependencies using its pom.xml file. In order to add a dependency on the EasyBimehLandingLib client library, double click on the pom.xml file in the Package Explorer. Opening the pom.xml file will render a graphical view on the cavas. Here, switch to the Dependencies tab and click the Add button as shown in the picture below.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 1

Clicking the Add button will open a dialog where you need to specify EasyBimehLanding in Group Id and EasyBimehLandingLib in the Artifact Id fields. Once added click OK. Save the pom.xml file.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 2

3. Write sample code

Once the SimpleConsoleApp is created, a file named will be visible in the Package Explorer with a main method. This is the entry point for the execution of the created project. Here, you can add code to initialize the client library and instantiate a Controller class. Sample code to initialize the client library and using controller methods is given in the subsequent sections.

Adding dependency to the client library - Step 2

How to Test

The generated code and the server can be tested using automatically generated test cases. JUnit is used as the testing framework and test runner.

In Eclipse, for running the tests do the following:

  1. Select the project EasyBimehLandingLib from the package explorer.
  2. Select "Run -> Run as -> JUnit Test" or use "Alt + Shift + X" followed by "T" to run the Tests.


API client can be initialized as following.

EasyBimehLandingClient client = new EasyBimehLandingClient();

Class Reference

List of Controllers

Class: FileManagerController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FileManagerController class can be accessed from the API Client.

FileManagerController fileManager = client.getFileManager();

Method: uploadAsync

آپلود فایل در ایزی بیمه بعد از آپلود، ادرس فایل باید در api های بعدی ارسال شود.

void uploadAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final String file,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelUpload> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور
file Required فایل ارسالی

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
String file = "file";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
fileManager.uploadAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, file, new APICallBack<BaseModelUpload>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelUpload response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: LiabilityDoctorInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the LiabilityDoctorInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

LiabilityDoctorInsuranceController liabilityDoctorInsurance = client.getLiabilityDoctorInsurance();

Method: getLiabilityDoctorInsuranceAsync

در یافت اطلاعات اولیه برای استعلام بیمه مسئولیت پزشکان

void getLiabilityDoctorInsuranceAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelLiabilityDoctorInsurance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
liabilityDoctorInsurance.getLiabilityDoctorInsuranceAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelLiabilityDoctorInsurance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelLiabilityDoctorInsurance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getMedicalSpecialtiesAsync

دریافت لیست تخصص های پزشکی

void getMedicalSpecialtiesAsync(
        final String id,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelMedicalSpecialties> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required نوع تخصص => ParamedicalExpertise => پیراپزشکی MedicalExpertise => پزشکی
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String id = "ParamedicalExpertise";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
liabilityDoctorInsurance.getMedicalSpecialtiesAsync(id, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelMedicalSpecialties>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelMedicalSpecialties response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: CarBodyController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the CarBodyController class can be accessed from the API Client.

CarBodyController carBody = client.getCarBody();

Method: getCarBrandAsync

دریافت برند خودرو

void getCarBrandAsync(
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrand> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xApiKey Required شناسه ی اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
carBody.getCarBrandAsync(xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrand>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrand response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getCarBrandTipsAsync

دریافت لیست تیپ خودرو

void getCarBrandTipsAsync(
        final int carBrandId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrandTips> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carBrandId Required شناسه ی برند خودرو
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carBrandId = 190;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
carBody.getCarBrandTipsAsync(carBrandId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrandTips>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrandTips response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getHasPlanAsync

آیا این نوع بیمه نامه، طرح بیمه ای دارد؟

void getHasPlanAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<HasPlan> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyType Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه نامه => بیمه بدنه=2
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyType = 2;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
carBody.getHasPlanAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<HasPlan>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, HasPlan response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ElectronicEquipmentInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ElectronicEquipmentInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ElectronicEquipmentInsuranceController electronicEquipmentInsurance = client.getElectronicEquipmentInsurance();

Method: getElectronicEquipmentInsuranceAsync

دریافت اطلاعات اولیه استعلام بیمه نامه ی تجهیزات الکترونیک

void getElectronicEquipmentInsuranceAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelElectronicEquipmentInsurance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "subDomain";
String xApiKey = "x-api-key";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
electronicEquipmentInsurance.getElectronicEquipmentInsuranceAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelElectronicEquipmentInsurance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelElectronicEquipmentInsurance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getDeviceBrandTypesAsync

دریافت لیست نوع برند دستگاه

void getDeviceBrandTypesAsync(
        final int deviceGroup,
        final int deviceTypeId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelDeviceBrandTypes> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
deviceGroup Required شناسه ی گروه دستگاه
deviceTypeId Required شناسه ی نوع دستگاه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int deviceGroup = 1;
int deviceTypeId = 1;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
electronicEquipmentInsurance.getDeviceBrandTypesAsync(deviceGroup, deviceTypeId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelDeviceBrandTypes>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelDeviceBrandTypes response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getDiviceFranchiseeAsync

دریافت لیست فرانشیر استعلام بیمه نامه ی تجهیزات الکترونیک

void getDiviceFranchiseeAsync(
        final int deviceModelId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelDiviceFranchisee> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
deviceModelId Required شناسه ی مدل دستگاه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int deviceModelId = 1340;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
electronicEquipmentInsurance.getDiviceFranchiseeAsync(deviceModelId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelDiviceFranchisee>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelDiviceFranchisee response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: OtherInsuranceTypesController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the OtherInsuranceTypesController class can be accessed from the API Client.

OtherInsuranceTypesController otherInsuranceTypes = client.getOtherInsuranceTypes();

Method: getOtherInsuranceTypesAsync

دریافت لیست سایر بیمه نامه ها

void getOtherInsuranceTypesAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<OtherInsuranceTypes> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
otherInsuranceTypes.getOtherInsuranceTypesAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<OtherInsuranceTypes>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, OtherInsuranceTypes response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getSendSmsTokenAsync

ارسال توکن تایید شماره تماس، برای احراز هویت کاربر

void getSendSmsTokenAsync(
        final String mobile,
        final String insuranceCentreSubDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<SendSmsToken> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
mobile Required شماره موبایل
insuranceCentreSubDomain Required دامنه یا زیردامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String mobile = "09018318086";
String insuranceCentreSubDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
otherInsuranceTypes.getSendSmsTokenAsync(mobile, insuranceCentreSubDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<SendSmsToken>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, SendSmsToken response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getVerifySmsTokenAsync

تایید توکن پیامک شده به کاربر، برای احراز هویت

void getVerifySmsTokenAsync(
        final String mobile,
        final int token,
        final String insuranceCentreSubDomain,
        final String aliasName,
        final String resource,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<Status200> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
mobile Required شماره موبایل
token Required توکن دریافتی کاربر از پیامک
insuranceCentreSubDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی اختصاصی مرکز بیمه
aliasName Required نام و نام خانوادگی کاربر
resource Required دامنه ی درخواست دهنده
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String mobile = "09018318086";
int token = 27763;
String insuranceCentreSubDomain = "hfz1";
String aliasName = "علی موسوی";
String resource = "";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
otherInsuranceTypes.getVerifySmsTokenAsync(mobile, token, insuranceCentreSubDomain, aliasName, resource, xApiKey, new APICallBack<Status200>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, Status200 response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad Request

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ThirdPartyInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ThirdPartyInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ThirdPartyInsuranceController thirdPartyInsurance = client.getThirdPartyInsurance();

Method: getCarBrandsAsync

دریافت لیست برند خودرو ها

void getCarBrandsAsync(
        final int carTypeGroup,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrands> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carTypeGroup Required شناسه ی گروه خودرو
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carTypeGroup = 1;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
thirdPartyInsurance.getCarBrandsAsync(carTypeGroup, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrands>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrands response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getRiskLevelAsync

دریافت لیست تخفیف های بیمه

void getRiskLevelAsync(
        final int insurancePolicyType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<RiskLevel> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
insurancePolicyType Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int insurancePolicyType = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
thirdPartyInsurance.getRiskLevelAsync(insurancePolicyType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<RiskLevel>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, RiskLevel response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getCarBrandTipsAsync

دریافت لیست تیپ خودرو

void getCarBrandTipsAsync(
        final int carBrandId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrandTips> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carBrandId Required شناسه ی برند خودرو
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carBrandId = 190;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
thirdPartyInsurance.getCarBrandTipsAsync(carBrandId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrandTips>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrandTips response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getCarUsesAsync

دریافت لیست نوع کاربری خودرو

void getCarUsesAsync(
        final int carTypeId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarUses> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carTypeId Required شناسه ی نوع خودرو
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carTypeId = 103;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
thirdPartyInsurance.getCarUsesAsync(carTypeId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarUses>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarUses response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getHasPlanAsync

آیا این نوع بیمه نامه، طرح بیمه ای دارد؟

void getHasPlanAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<HasPlan> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyType Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyType = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
thirdPartyInsurance.getHasPlanAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<HasPlan>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, HasPlan response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: MotorcycleInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the MotorcycleInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

MotorcycleInsuranceController motorcycleInsurance = client.getMotorcycleInsurance();

Method: getCarBrandsAsync

دریافت لیست برند موتور سیکلت

void getCarBrandsAsync(
        final int carTypeGroup,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrands> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carTypeGroup Required شناسه ی گروه خودرویی، موتور سیکلت =>0
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carTypeGroup = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
motorcycleInsurance.getCarBrandsAsync(carTypeGroup, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrands>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrands response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getCarBrandTipsAsync

دریافت لیست تیپ موتور سیکلت

void getCarBrandTipsAsync(
        final int carBrandId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<CarBrandTips> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
carBrandId Required شناسه ی برند موتور سیکلت
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int carBrandId = 472;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
motorcycleInsurance.getCarBrandTipsAsync(carBrandId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<CarBrandTips>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, CarBrandTips response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getHasPlanAsync

آیا این نوع بیمه نامه، طرح بیمه ای دارد؟

void getHasPlanAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<HasPlan> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyType Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyType = 7;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
motorcycleInsurance.getHasPlanAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<HasPlan>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, HasPlan response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: FireInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FireInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

FireInsuranceController fireInsurance = client.getFireInsurance();

Method: getFireInsuranceAsync

دریافت اطلاعات پایه بیمه ی آتش سوزی

void getFireInsuranceAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelFireInsurance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyId Required شناسه ی بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyId = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
fireInsurance.getFireInsuranceAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelFireInsurance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelFireInsurance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

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Class: EarthquakeInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the EarthquakeInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

EarthquakeInsuranceController earthquakeInsurance = client.getEarthquakeInsurance();

Method: getEarthquakeAsync

دریافت اطلاعات پایه ی بیمه ی زلزله

void getEarthquakeAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyId,
        final int insurancePolicyType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelEarthquake> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyId Required شناسه ی بیمه نامه
insurancePolicyType Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyId = 0;
int insurancePolicyType = 6;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
earthquakeInsurance.getEarthquakeAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyId, insurancePolicyType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelEarthquake>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelEarthquake response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

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Class: TravelInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the TravelInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

TravelInsuranceController travelInsurance = client.getTravelInsurance();

Method: getTravelInsuranceAsync

TODO: Add Description

void getTravelInsuranceAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelTravelInsurance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyId Required شناسه ی بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyId = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
travelInsurance.getTravelInsuranceAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelTravelInsurance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelTravelInsurance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

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Class: ElevatorInsuranceController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ElevatorInsuranceController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ElevatorInsuranceController elevatorInsurance = client.getElevatorInsurance();

Method: getElevatorInsuranceAsync

دریافت اطلاعات پایه ی بیمه نامه ی آسانسور

void getElevatorInsuranceAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insurancePolicyId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelElevatorInsurance> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insurancePolicyId Required شناسه ی بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insurancePolicyId = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
elevatorInsurance.getElevatorInsuranceAsync(subDomain, insurancePolicyId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelElevatorInsurance>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelElevatorInsurance response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

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Class: MainController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the MainController class can be accessed from the API Client.

MainController main = client.getMain();

Method: getPortalLandingPageAsync

در یافت اطلاعات لندینگ مراکز بیمه

void getPortalLandingPageAsync(
        final String id,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelPortalLandingPage> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
id Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String id = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
main.getPortalLandingPageAsync(id, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelPortalLandingPage>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelPortalLandingPage response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getInsuranceCentrePolicyTypesAsync

دریافت لیست بیمه ی های ارائه شده توسط مرکز بیمه

void getInsuranceCentrePolicyTypesAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelInsuranceCentrePolicyTypes> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
main.getInsuranceCentrePolicyTypesAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelInsuranceCentrePolicyTypes>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelInsuranceCentrePolicyTypes response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: ComboDataController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the ComboDataController class can be accessed from the API Client.

ComboDataController comboData = client.getComboData();

Method: getDamageTypeAsync

دریافت لیست نوع خسارت

void getDamageTypeAsync(
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelDamageType> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
comboData.getDamageTypeAsync(xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelDamageType>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelDamageType response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getInsuranceTypesAsync

دریافت لیست نوع بیمه نامه

void getInsuranceTypesAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final boolean issueInsurance,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<InsuranceTypes> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
issueInsurance Required دریافت بیمه نامه های قابل صدور
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
boolean issueInsurance = false;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
comboData.getInsuranceTypesAsync(subDomain, issueInsurance, xApiKey, new APICallBack<InsuranceTypes>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, InsuranceTypes response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getInsuranceCompaniesAsync

دریافت لیست شرکت های بیمه

void getInsuranceCompaniesAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final int insuranceTypeId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<InsuranceCompanies> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
insuranceTypeId Required شناسه ی نوع بیمه نامه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
int insuranceTypeId = 1;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
comboData.getInsuranceCompaniesAsync(subDomain, insuranceTypeId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<InsuranceCompanies>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, InsuranceCompanies response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: TrackingDamageController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the TrackingDamageController class can be accessed from the API Client.

TrackingDamageController trackingDamage = client.getTrackingDamage();

Method: getTrackingCodeAsync

استعلام وضعیت خسارت

void getTrackingCodeAsync(
        final String mTrackingCode,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelTrakingCode> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
mTrackingCode Required کد پیگیری خسارت
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String mTrackingCode = "/{TrackingCode}";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
trackingDamage.getTrackingCodeAsync(mTrackingCode, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelTrakingCode>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelTrakingCode response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
400 Bad Request

Method: createTrackingDamageAsync

ثبت خسارت بیمه

void createTrackingDamageAsync(
        final TrackingDamageRequest body,
        final String xApiKey,
        final String contentType,
        final APICallBack<TrackingDamage> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
body Required اطلاعات خسارت
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور
contentType Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

try {
    String bodyValue = "{\r\n  \"personalityType\": 0,\r\n  \"trackingDamageStatus\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"trackingDamageFile\": [\r\n        {\r\n          \"id\": 162747,\r\n          \"url\": \"\",\r\n          \"title\": \"کارت شناسایی\"\r\n        }\r\n      ]\r\n    }\r\n  ],\r\n  \"description\": \"بدنه ی خودرو خسارت دیده\",\r\n  \"insuranceTypeId\": 1,\r\n  \"insuranceCompanyId\": 34,\r\n  \"insurancePolicyNumber\": \"123456\",\r\n  \"damageType\": \"مالی\",\r\n  \"name\": \"کاظم\",\r\n  \"nationalCode\": \"3080118383\",\r\n  \"mobile\": \"09018318086\",\r\n  \"insuredProfile\": \"پژو 405\",\r\n  \"subDomain\": \"hfz1\"\r\n}";
    TrackingDamageRequest body = mapper.readValue(bodyValue,new TypeReference<TrackingDamageRequest> (){});
    String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
    String contentType = "application/json";
    // Invoking the API call with sample inputs
    trackingDamage.createTrackingDamageAsync(body, xApiKey, contentType, new APICallBack<TrackingDamage>() {
        public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, TrackingDamage response) {
            // TODO success callback handler
        public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
            // TODO failure callback handler
} catch(JsonProcessingException e) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

Method: getStatusStatusCollectionsAsync

دریافت لیست وضعیت های خسارت

void getStatusStatusCollectionsAsync(
        final int statusType,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelStatusStatusCollections> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
statusType Required نوع وضعیت ها ی خسارت => 0
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int statusType = 0;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
trackingDamage.getStatusStatusCollectionsAsync(statusType, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelStatusStatusCollections>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelStatusStatusCollections response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getStatusAsync

دریافت اطلاعات وضعیت

void getStatusAsync(
        final int entityId,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelStatus> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
entityId Required شناسه ی وضعیت
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int entityId = 1129;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
trackingDamage.getStatusAsync(entityId, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelStatus>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelStatus response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Back to List of Controllers

Class: FooterController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the FooterController class can be accessed from the API Client.

FooterController footer = client.getFooter();

Method: getPortalLandingContactAboutAsync

دریافت اطلاعات درباره ی ما

void getPortalLandingContactAboutAsync(
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelPortalLandingContactAbout> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xApiKey Required TODO: Add a parameter description

Example Usage

String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
footer.getPortalLandingContactAboutAsync(xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelPortalLandingContactAbout>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelPortalLandingContactAbout response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getFaqInsuranceCentreAsync

دریافت لیست سوالات متداول

void getFaqInsuranceCentreAsync(
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelFaqInsuranceCentre> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
footer.getFaqInsuranceCentreAsync(xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelFaqInsuranceCentre>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelFaqInsuranceCentre response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

Method: getInsurancePolicyTrackingAsync

پیگیری وضعیت بیمه نامه

void getInsurancePolicyTrackingAsync(
        final int trackingCode,
        final long nationalCode,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelInsurancePolicyTracking> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
trackingCode Required شماره ی پیگیری بیمه نامه
nationalCode Required کد ملی کاربر
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

int trackingCode = 213981083;
long nationalCode = 3080115309L;
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
footer.getInsurancePolicyTrackingAsync(trackingCode, nationalCode, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelInsurancePolicyTracking>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelInsurancePolicyTracking response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler


Error Code Error Description
500 Internal Server Error

Back to List of Controllers

Class: InsurancePolicyPlanController

Get singleton instance

The singleton instance of the InsurancePolicyPlanController class can be accessed from the API Client.

InsurancePolicyPlanController insurancePolicyPlan = client.getInsurancePolicyPlan();

Method: getSpecialPlanAsync

دریافت لیست طرح های بیمه ای

void getSpecialPlanAsync(
        final String subDomain,
        final String xApiKey,
        final APICallBack<BaseModelSpecialPlan> callBack)


Parameter Tags Description
subDomain Required دامنه یا زیر دامنه ی مرکز بیمه
xApiKey Required کلید اختصاصی ارتباط با سرور

Example Usage

String subDomain = "hfz1";
String xApiKey = "d6dfd932-75d8-e911-811a-000c294ecf01";
// Invoking the API call with sample inputs
insurancePolicyPlan.getSpecialPlanAsync(subDomain, xApiKey, new APICallBack<BaseModelSpecialPlan>() {
    public void onSuccess(HttpContext context, BaseModelSpecialPlan response) {
        // TODO success callback handler
    public void onFailure(HttpContext context, Throwable error) {
        // TODO failure callback handler

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