kmathy / ngx-reduxor

ngx-reduxor: save time by generating ngrx architecture with no effort!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Basic generation of store object is broken

ltruchot opened this issue · comments

Issue Type


version + node environment

ngx-reduxor 2.0.2 / node 8.9.3 / npm 5.6.0

Actual behavior

"Basic" generation of store object is broken
Nothing is genereted an several lines of errors are visible in terminal

Expected behavior

Get a well formed store

example (repo, code,...)

? Name for the new store object? block
? What kind of store do you want to generate? Basic
[FAILED] add ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/mnt/DATA/pro/adneom/projets/botchain/front/node_modules/ngx-reduxor/templates/basic/_actions.ts'
[FAILED] add {{ basePath }}/{{ folder name "reducers" }}/{{kebabCase name}}.reducer.ts Aborted due to previous action failure
[FAILED] update store-reduxor {{ basePath }}/store-reduxor.module.ts Aborted due to previous action failure