kmartin-215 / aws-hubot

Hubot running on AWS ECS Fargate

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hubot (Slack) running on AWS ECS Fargate using Amazon's Secrets Manager for credentials.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have the following in place

Note: We will be using "us-east-1" for this example. If you would like to use a different region, make sure Fargate is available in the region.


Setup all of your variables

# Set the region variable
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1

# Set your Account ID variable
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Account')

# Set your repo name / bot name
export IMAGE_REPO_NAME=yourBotNameGoesHere

# Set your tag for the repo (ie. 1.0.0)
export IMAGE_TAG=yourTagGoesHere

# Set your Stack Name
export STACK_NAME=yourStackNameGoesHere

Amazon Secrets Manager

  • Create a secrets.json file for use with AWS Secrets Manager
    "hubotSlackToken": "yourTokenGoesHere",
    "hubotSlackBotname": "yourBotNameGoesHere"
  • Create a new secret in the AWS Secret Manager
aws secretsmanager --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION create-secret --name $IMAGE_REPO_NAME \
    --description $IMAGE_REPO_NAME" Secrets" \
    --secret-string file://secrets.json
  • Verify that the secret was created successfully
aws secretsmanager --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION get-secret-value --secret-id $IMAGE_REPO_NAME

Amazon Elastic Container Registry

  • Create an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name $IMAGE_REPO_NAME
  • Build your Docker Image
docker build -t $IMAGE_REPO_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
  • Tag your image
  • Log into Amazon ECR
export AWS_ECR_LOGIN=$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email) && $AWS_ECR_LOGIN
  • Now you can push your image to Amazon ECR

Amazon Elastic Container Service

  • Deploy our basic stack using a CloudFormation template
aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name=$STACK_NAME --template-file=aws/chatops-stack.yml --parameter-overrides 
ServiceName=$IMAGE_REPO_NAME ImageTag=$IMAGE_TAG --capabilities=CAPABILITY_IAM

Testing Locally

docker run -it -e HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=yourTokenGoesHere -e HUBOT_SLACK_BOTNAME=yourBotNameGoesHere hubot:1.0.0 bash
npm start

#/root/.local/bin/aws --version
#/root/.local/bin/aws configure


Hubot running on AWS ECS Fargate


Language:JavaScript 40.6%Language:Shell 33.9%Language:Dockerfile 25.5%