klonyyy / STMViewer

Real-time STM32 variable & trace viewer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custumization capabilities

Candas1 opened this issue · comments

I remember I came across this simulation a long time ago that seems to use the same UI library:

This got me thinking, do you want to keep this tool generic or are you thinking about adding customizations capabilities in the future ?

A few examples I have in mind:

  • being able to provide a short description for a variable
  • being able to provide a unit for a variable
  • new UI elements - sliders,gauges,checkboxes(would require min/max/step to be set by the user)
  • combobox/radio buttons (might be complicated if it needs descriptions to match values)
  • being able to resize/move the plots
  • being able to group plots/tables and use tabs

So I would like the STMViewer to stay relatively generic, meaning I don't want it to go the way CubeMonitor went. From my perspective such layouts like the one above are very application specific and this would make the STMViewer usage a lot harder as well. Moreover it is designed for the debug interface, and usually this would mean only the developer would use it, as end-users don't have the debug probe and the access to the debug port. That being said, I was thinking of adding:

  • plot collections in tabs so that the whole view can be quickly modified
  • special variables for results of math operations on real variables

However, if we change graphics libraries, it could also be possible to support macOS among others... 😁 the screenshot @Candas1 posts reminds me of Dear Imgui like used on ngscopeclient