klinker41 / android-chips

Chips in your AutoCompleteTextView on Android

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Packaging with aapt2 fails

seanabraham opened this issue · comments

aapt2 outputs the following warning and error:

warn: skipping element 'g' with unknown namespace 'http://schemas.android.com/tools' For the line at https://github.com/klinker41/android-chips/blob/master/library/src/main/res/values/strings.xml#L18 (note, this is a warning, not an error)

And also:
error: invalid resource type 'attr' for parent of style for the line at https://github.com/klinker41/android-chips/blob/master/library/src/main/res/values/styles.xml#L18

I believe the error is a legitimate error because the style at that line inherits from "@android:attr/fooBar" as opposed to "@android:style/fooBar"

I believe the fix is as simple as updating that line accordingly but would require testing to verify

Note, this will in turn cause this library to not compile properly when people upgrade to android gradle plugin 3.0 and above