klinker41 / android-chips

Chips in your AutoCompleteTextView on Android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New Chip without icon

pilootchoum opened this issue · comments

As I'm creating a new Chip based on a phone number on contact name, which is not matching any of the phone's contact's from the address book, the chip then does not have any icon setted,

Is that normal?

droid screen-1

I know it might not be implemented, maybe you could just lead me in the right direction to do it.

That means it is not part of your contact address book

Thx Shusshu but I know what you just said, I even wrote it in my issue........

I'm trying to understand how to show the same default picture one the chip than the one showed when the contact exists in the addess book but with no picture setted.

Ok, my bad...

It shouldn't be hard to put the default icon too

This is done with this PR: #49