klinker24 / Android-DragDismissActivity

A smooth, easy-to-implement, drag to dismiss Android Activity.

Home Page:https://blog.klinkerapps.com/android-drag-dismiss/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Using supportFinishAfterTransition instead of finish

TinasheMzondiwa opened this issue · comments

I have a shared element transition going into the DragDismissActivity.
My view does not transition back because you're using finish() in

            public void onDragDismissed() {

Would it be possible to use activity.supportFinishAfterTransition() instead?
Or is there a change I can do on my side?


Sure, does this work for you?

Commit: af46232

Thanks a lot man.

No problem, I will merge and push out an update later today for it