klen / python-scss

Python scss parser.

Home Page:http://packages.python.org/scss/

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Add "watch" functionality, similar to Ruby's sass tool

singingwolfboy opened this issue · comments

The "sass" tool installed with Ruby's haml gem has an awesome feature where you can watch a file or a directory, and whenever any of those .scss files are changed, the .css files are instantly and automatically recompiled from the newly changed .scss file. Would it be possible to add this feature to python-scss?

As a stopgap, you can run the scss automatically every few seconds using GNU watch, from here: http://procps.sourceforge.net/

It's not as good as only running the tool when the file actually changes (uses more system resources), but it gets the job done anyway.

I added a simple implementation of watch in version 0.6.5, Should work with files and directories.

Use -w, --watch option.

In that case, it should be documented in the scss help message. I didn't know that feature existed!

I added it just now :) Version 0.6.5 done 5 minutes ago

Oh wow! Thanks! Updated (and I updated the Macports port, as well)