klen / pylama

Code audit tool for python.

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pylama global skip from pylama.ini doesn't skip

magowiz opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to run pylama in mine cicd, the issue is that at some point in my workspace exists a venv in repository folder, probably created by other steps, the folder is .pyenv-usr-local-bin-python3.10 so I thought to setup a pylama.ini in order to skip that folder completely.

I wrote this:

format = pylint
skip = */.tox/*,*/.env/*,*/.pyenv-usr-local-bin-python3.10/*
linters = pylint,mccabe,mypy,eradicate,radon,vulture,pydocstyle,pycodestyle,pyflakes,isort

max_line_length = 100

builtins = _

complexity = 10

convention = google

but for example pylint and isort for sure are still scanning that folder:

ERROR: /home/jenkins/workspace/zation_folder_travellint_develop/.pyenv-usr-local-bin-python3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/jaraco/functools.py Imports are incorrectly sorted and/or formatted.
pylint: Command line or configuration file:1: UserWarning: 'BaseException' is not a proper value for the 'overgeneral-exceptions' option. Use fully qualified name (maybe 'builtins.BaseException' ?) instead. This will cease to be checked at runtime when the configuration upgrader is released.
pylint: Command line or configuration file:1: UserWarning: 'Exception' is not a proper value for the 'overgeneral-exceptions' option. Use fully qualified name (maybe 'builtins.Exception' ?) instead. This will cease to be checked at runtime when the configuration upgrader is released.

Probably I misunderstood the way I should configure pylama to ignore completely folders.