klen / peewee_migrate

Simple migration engine for Peewee

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


konradkur opened this issue · comments


i use peewee on many microservices, the time has come for the migration system, i decided on the automatic solution.

I chose your solution, but I have an error at the start
adds one new field to a database table

is_root2 = peewee.BooleanField(default=False)

and the command migrate returns

ValueError: is_root2 is not null but has no default

`"""Peewee migrations -- 002_next.py.

Some examples (model - class or model name)::

> Model = migrator.orm['model_name']            # Return model in current state by name

> migrator.sql(sql)                             # Run custom SQL
> migrator.python(func, *args, **kwargs)        # Run python code
> migrator.create_model(Model)                  # Create a model (could be used as decorator)
> migrator.remove_model(model, cascade=True)    # Remove a model
> migrator.add_fields(model, **fields)          # Add fields to a model
> migrator.change_fields(model, **fields)       # Change fields
> migrator.remove_fields(model, *field_names, cascade=True)
> migrator.rename_field(model, old_field_name, new_field_name)
> migrator.rename_table(model, new_table_name)
> migrator.add_index(model, *col_names, unique=False)
> migrator.drop_index(model, *col_names)
> migrator.add_not_null(model, *field_names)
> migrator.drop_not_null(model, *field_names)
> migrator.add_default(model, field_name, default)


import datetime as dt
import peewee as pw
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN

import playhouse.postgres_ext as pw_pext
except ImportError:

SQL = pw.SQL

def migrate(migrator, database, fake=False, **kwargs):
"""Write your migrations here."""


    is_root2=pw.BooleanField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT False")]))

migrator.change_fields('catalog', is_root=pw.BooleanField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT False")]))

migrator.change_fields('file', is_display=pw.BooleanField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT True")]))

migrator.change_fields('fileddeletionpermissions', deletion=pw.IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 770")]))

migrator.change_fields('filedvisibilitypermissions', visibility=pw.IntegerField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 770")]))

migrator.change_fields('invoice', is_has_product=pw.BooleanField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT False")]),
    is_has_service=pw.BooleanField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT False")]))

def rollback(migrator, database, fake=False, **kwargs):
"""Write your rollback migrations here."""

migrator.remove_fields('catalog', 'is_root2')


I changed one field in the database table, and the migration shows how I would change more fields, why?

is this solution stable at all? Better to write migrations by hand?

I am using the latest version of peewee and the migrator
peewee==3.14.4 peewee-migrate==1.4.3

@konradkur Thank you for the feedback 🙏 Auto migrations have been fixed in the latest version. Please check.