klen / muffin

Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3

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Graceful reload (HUP) is broken

MarSoft opened this issue · comments

Seems that graceful reloading on SIGHUP (which is the feature of Gunicorn) is broken in Muffin.
For now I found two problems:

  1. Muffin expects its app object to be named app and is launched as muffin <module> run. It then loads app object from the module and sets that object to Gunicorn's app. Also it passes <module> to Gunicorn as app name.
    Now, when Gunicorn tries to reload on HUP, it parses app name and tries to separate it by ':' to determine app variable name; it then cannot find a ':' and defaults variable name to application, instead of app used by muffin: https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/blob/master/gunicorn/util.py#L352
    My current workaround for it is as follows:
    app = Muffin(...)
    application = app
  2. It probably sets bind address in some wrong way, or maybe Gunicorn tries to load it from config somehow (I didn't find out the details yet). As a result, when I first start muffin, it binds correctly; but after killing it with HUP, it rebinds to localhost:8000 with the following log:
[2016-01-14 15:55:40 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 19.3.0
[2016-01-14 15:55:40 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Listening at: (24358)
[2016-01-14 15:55:40 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Using worker: muffin.worker.GunicornWorker
[2016-01-14 15:55:40 +0300] [24369] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24369
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Handling signal: hup
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Hang up: Master
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24358] [INFO] Listening at: [,<,g,u,n,i,c,o,r,n,.,s,o,c,k,.,T,C,P,S,o,c,k,e,t, ,o,b,j,e,c,t, ,a,t, ,0,x,7,f,1,d,9,8,b,f,1,1,6,0,>,]
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24477] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 24477
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24369] [INFO] Stopping server: 24369, connections: 0
[2016-01-14 15:55:45 +0300] [24369] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 24369)

Line with [,<,g,u,n,i,... is result of a bug in Gunicorn - see benoitc/gunicorn#1181; actually it is a, which takes its origin from https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/blob/master/gunicorn/config.py#L498

For now I yet have no ideas on how to fix these problems.

For me all this looks like Manager.run command implementation (https://github.com/klen/muffin/blob/develop/muffin/manage.py#L89) is not correct: it sets configuration onto gunicorn app, but that configuration will not persist; probably we should leverage Gunicorn's command-line arguments parser (https://github.com/benoitc/gunicorn/blob/master/gunicorn/app/base.py#L140) or rather pass our configuration as "defaults" in our load_default_config implementation (https://github.com/klen/muffin/blob/develop/muffin/worker.py#L38): store these values in some object within a GunicornApp and load them with separate method which will be called both by Manager.run() and load_default_config():

from muffin.worker import GunicornApp

base_cfg = dict(
    bind = bind,
    daemon = daemon,
gapp = GunicornApp(

and in load_default_config:


del self.cfg.settings['paste']
del self.cfg.settings['django_settings']

# now load our defaults
for k,v in self._base_config.items():
    self.cfg.set(k, v)

self.cfg.settings['worker_class'].default = ...

@MarSoft Thanks for the report I will look at it next week. Maybe @matrixise could also help there.

@MarSoft a quick glance at the code let me think you're right. On HUP Gunicorn tries to reload every parameters from the conf by reloading it. But I will check.

This issue is also related to #19: Muffin's application class is loaded during initialization of Manager, so reloading will not work properly anyway. I think it can be fixed by rewriting manage.py so that run command will be handled specially, outside of Manager class and without loading Application subclass in main thread. Will try to prepare a pull request during this week.

Doesn't actual for version > 0.45