klemensz / cordova-plugin-nativeview

Start a native view relative to your cordova app, or an external app

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title: NativeView description: Starts native view or another app, from a cordova app.


Start an UIViewController(IOS) or Activity(Android) relative to your cordova app, or an external app (based in cordova plugin startapp cordova plugin)

You can use this in a standalone project (basic cordova project), or into an existing native Android/IOS application, like described in Embed Cordova in native apps

OBS: If you wish just EXIT from cordova app or back to native view (Android only), use: navigator['app'].exitApp()


cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-nativeview --save

# using IONIC
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-nativeview --save

Extra: Native app (Android/IOS native code)


Make sure that config.xml file contains the <feature> tag below:

<feature name="NativeView">
    <param name="android-package" value="br.com.mfdeveloper.cordova.NativeView" />
    <param name="onload" value="true" />


  • Copy the config.xml from your cordova project to root XCode project directory.
  • Install cocoapods
  • Add this plugin like a pod dependency:
# Objective-C version (Default)
pod 'cordova-plugin-nativeview', '~> 1.0.7'

# Swift version (needs update to latest Objective-c implementations)
pod 'cordova-plugin-nativeview', :git => 'https://github.com/mfdeveloper/cordova-plugin-nativeview.git', :branch => 'swift'


Add this code snippet below to your build.gradle file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

implementation ('com.github.mfdeveloper:cordova-plugin-nativeview:1.0.7')

This dependency is added using jitpack

Or add, the NativeView class directly to your android project:

  • From your cordova project:

    • Copy the content off platforms/android/assets/www folder to your android project (usually, app/src/main/assets). Or create a gradle task to do this.
    • Copy the config.xml to src/main/res/xml android project folder.
  • Clone this repo, and copy the class: src/android/NativeView.java to your Android project

  • Or create a .jar or a .aar that contains this class, and import like a Android module dependency

  • Verify if the code snippet below is present in your AndroidManifest.xml. This is required to open a specific Activity from a Intent (using [package + activityName])

<activity android:name=".MyActivity" >
        <action android:name="com.mypackage.MyActivity" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

If this filter not exists in AndroidManifest.xml, you will get this error: No Activity found to handle Intent splash screen

  • Build/Run your android project!

Supported Platforms

  • Android Android
  • iOS iOS


NativeView.show(packageOrClassName: string, className: string)


NativeView.show(params: object)

Shows a native view.


document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {
    //  pass a package name and a activity by params
    cordova.plugins.NativeView.show('com.mycompany', 'MyActivity')
    .then(function() {
       * Do something when open the activity.
       * This code here will be executed in paralell,
       * not after open.
    }).catch(function(error) {
         * error.success => Will be "false"
         * error.name => Exception type from the captured error 
         * error.message => A exception message

    // Preferably, pass the Package and Activity in a json
        packageName: 'com.mycompany',
        className: 'MyActivity',

}, false);


  • Pass Storyboard name and storyboard id
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function() {

     * The first param is a storyboard name, and
     * the second param is a storyboardId 
     * (conventionally the same name of the ViewController class name)
    cordova.plugins.NativeView.show('MyStoryboard', 'MyUIViewController')
    .then(function() {
       * Do something when open the activity.
       * This code here will be executed in paralell,
       * not after open.

    // Preferably, pass the ViewController and Storyboard in a json
        storyboardName: 'MyStoryboard',
        viewControllerName: 'MyUIViewController'

}, false);
  • Pass only the ViewController class/xib name
*  Or, pass only the UIViewController name, if you don't
*  use storyboards in your project. This plugin try instantiate
*  from a ".xib" file. If not exists, try instantiate just by
*  UIViewController class.
*  By convention, your ViewController class/xib needs contains 'Controller' 
*  string in any part of the name 
* .

// Preferably, pass the ViewController in a json
    viewControllerName: 'MyUIViewController'
  • Pass only the Storyboard name
*  Or, pass only the Storyboard name. If you don't pass a 
*  ViewController class name in second param, the 
*  "rootViewController" of your storyboard will be
*  instantiated. 
*  By convention, your Storyboard name needs contains 'Storyboard' 
*  string in any part of the name

// Preferably, pass the Storyboard in a json
    storyboardName: 'MyStorboard'

NativeView.checkIfAppInstalled(uri: string)


NativeView.checkIfAppInstalled(params: { uri: string })

Verify if another app that responds to a uri is installed on device.

.then(function() {
    console.log('The app is INSTALLED!');
}).catch(function(error) {
    console.log("The app is NOT INSTALLED!");
    throw error;

// Preferably, pass the uri in a json
    uri: 'another-app://custom-host'

NativeView.showMarket(marketId: string)


NativeView.showMarket(params: { marketId: string })

Open the store (Apple Store/Google Play) app installed in your device, or in a browser.


// Pass a app package on Android (found this on Google Play)

// Preferably, pass the marketId in a json
    marketId: 'my.company.other.app'


// Pass a app id from the Apple Store

// Preferably, pass the marketId in a json
    marketId: 'idxyz1?mt=x'

NativeView.getBuildVariant(params: { catchError: boolean })

Get the current Android build variant configured in


* Pass the param "catchError", and use the `catch()` method to verify an 
* error (if happens)
* Otherwise, this method will return the variant like a string,
* or null if not found.
* This is useful if you need show a NativeView by environment
    catchError: true
}).then(function(value) {
    console.log('My environment is: ' + value);
}).catch(function(error) {
    if (!error.success && error.message) {

/* Optionally, don't pass any parameter and get the Build Variant 
 * value, or NULL
.then(function(value) {
    console.log('My environment is: ' + value);


Replace document.addEventListener event to this.platform.ready().then(...) service method. See IONIC Platform documentation


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • Better catch IOS exception from JS
  • Update Swift implementation
  • Add cordova integration tests


Start a native view relative to your cordova app, or an external app

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 25.6%Language:Java 24.5%Language:Objective-C 22.1%Language:TypeScript 13.7%Language:Ruby 8.2%Language:CSS 4.5%Language:HTML 1.5%