kleinschmidt / BayesModels

Easy Bayesian models.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


BayesModels.jl is a package that uses Turing for Bayesian inference and StatsModels for its easy-to-use formula API.

Currently only Bayesian linear regression is supported, but I plan at some point to extend it to additional model types.

How to

You can run a Bayesian linear regression using blm(formula, dataframe).

# Import packages.
using BayesModels
using RDatasets
using DataFrames

# Load the wages dataframe. 
# I'm thinning out the dataframe to make it quicker,
# Bayesian methods don't scale as well with bigger data.
df = RDatasets.dataset("Ecdat", "Wages")[1:10:end, :]

# Estimate the model.
chain = blm(@formula(LWage ~ 1 + Married + Ed + Married*Ed), df, 1000)

# Display the results.


Easy Bayesian models.


Language:Julia 100.0%