kkolodziejczak / TaskManager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Task manager helps to hide parallel code from developers. Designed by me some time ago, recreated to use in new project.

Content of the NuGet package

Producer/Consumer pattern

This nuget package contains thread safe implementation of Producer Consumer Pattern allowing us to produce and consume data in parallel manner.

AsyncPCCollection<T> class

Contains implementation of IAsyncProducer<T> and IAsyncConsumer<T> allowing user to pass them to worker to produce/consume desired values.

namespace TaskManager.Threading
    public interface IAsyncProducer<T>
        Task ProduceAsync(T item, CancellationToken token);
        Task ProduceAsync(IEnumerable<T> items, CancellationToken token);
        Task FinishAsync();
        Task<uint> GetProducedCountAsync();
namespace TaskManager.Threading
    public interface IAsyncConsumer<T>
        Task<T?> GetAsync();
        Task<IEnumerable<T>?> GetAllAsync();
        Task<bool> IsFinishedAndEmptyAsync(CancellationToken token);
        Task<uint> GetConsumedCountAsync();


Create new object of AsyncPCCollection<T> and fill it with values of T after you are done, mark collection as done by calling FinishAsync(). This will indicate to consumers that there will be no more data comming and they can finish their work after they are done with the stuff that they already got from producer.


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%