kiyoon / jupynium.nvim

Selenium-automated Jupyter Notebook that is synchronised with NeoVim in real-time.

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On debian 12 ain't working

DamaKubu opened this issue · comments

When I run :JupyniumStartAndAttachToServer from nvim 0.10 no tab open just, says it's attached and synced and prompts me to use


Though then using the command JupyniumStartSync command, says cancelling sync and does nothing.


Tried many ways to get jupynium working, but couldn't.

I believe all requirements are installed.

Output of jupynium --version

Jupynium v0.2.0

Output of nvim --version

NVIM v0.10.0-dev-766+gef44e5972
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Run "nvim -V1 -v" for more info

Output of :JupyniumStartAndAttachToServerInTerminal

jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 11 - INFO - nvim addr: /run/user/1000/nvim.25647.0
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 30 - INFO - nvim attached
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 34 - INFO - Initialising..
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 35 - INFO - Communicating with channel_id 5
jupynium.cmds.jupynium: 90 - INFO - Using firefox profile: None
jupynium.cmds.jupynium: 539 - ERROR - Exception occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aokis/darbas/virtualibook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupynium/cmds/", line
452, in main
with webdriver_firefox(
File "/home/aokis/darbas/virtualibook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupynium/cmds/", line
96, in webdriver_firefox
return webdriver.Firefox(profile, service_log_path=os.path.devnull)
TypeError: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'service_log_path'

[Process exited 0]

What if you open a notebook in your firefox, like at tab 2, then :JupyniumStartSync 2? I often used jupynium in this way

Can you run :JupyniumStartAndAttachToServerInTerminal and paste the error output here?

Alternatively, logs can be found in /tmp/jupynium/logs

What if you open a notebook in your firefox, like at tab 2, then :JupyniumStartSync 2? I often used jupynium in this way

If I write that command then nvim gives error:
E492: Not an editor command: JupyniumStartSync 2

I tried to install vim-magma, but got same E492 problem, so it's likely something's wrong with my setup.

Can you run :JupyniumStartAndAttachToServerInTerminal and paste the error output here?

Alternatively, logs can be found in /tmp/jupynium/logs

Wow didn't expect such quick response.
Sure! it gives:

jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 11 - INFO - nvim addr: /run/user/1000/nvim.25647.0
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 30 - INFO - nvim attached
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 34 - INFO - Initialising..
jupynium.pynvim_helpers: 35 - INFO - Communicating with channel_id 5
jupynium.cmds.jupynium: 90 - INFO - Using firefox profile: None
jupynium.cmds.jupynium: 539 - ERROR - Exception occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aokis/darbas/virtualibook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupynium/cmds/", line
452, in main
with webdriver_firefox(
File "/home/aokis/darbas/virtualibook/lib/python3.11/site-packages/jupynium/cmds/", line
96, in webdriver_firefox
return webdriver.Firefox(profile, service_log_path=os.path.devnull)
TypeError: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'service_log_path'

[Process exited 0]

You should install jupynium from source or from the one in your nvim plugin manager at the moment

If you installed using pip install jupynium it will install slightly old version. If you use plugin manager like lazy.nvim, it will install the latest commit. Maybe you need to remove and reinstall the plugin using lazy.nvim.