kiyoon / jupynium.nvim

Selenium-automated Jupyter Notebook that is synchronised with NeoVim in real-time.

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JupyniumLoadFromIpynbTab hangs for large ipynb project

FelixKratz opened this issue · comments

The function JupyniumLoadFromIpynbTab hangs when I try to use it with a large ipynb file (which I am not able to share), possibly an infinite loop is created. I am not entirely sure why that happens for larger files but not small test files I have created.

By large files do you mean there are lots of media etc? Maybe I need to process the input and only send the input. Currently it sends the whole ipynb and convert it to jupynium file.

Yes, I have lots of plots in this ipynb, it seems to be completely stuck loading this file.

Btw.: Thank you for creating this! I have searched for something like this for a long time

I think I'll need to process the inputs in javascript before sending the ipynb file, as currently it is sending all the outputs. I'm new to javascript and Jupyter Notebook doesn't have an API so I created the whole thing with just trial and error haha. I'll definitely improve this soon! And no worries, thanks a lot for much good feedback!

Hi, does #18 fix the issue?

I have installed jupynium via packer, so I will only receive the fix once it is merged I guess? How would I tell packer to install the dev version for testing?

Okay, I'll just merge and let's see

This just gets automatically closed when I merge. But feel free to reopen if you still face the same issue

Works perfectly now! Thank you!

Works perfectly now! Thank you!

It may work for loading the file, but when you save, it will automatically download a copy as well.

Does it hang when you save?