kiyoon / jupynium.nvim

Selenium-automated Jupyter Notebook that is synchronised with NeoVim in real-time.

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Native Windows support without WSL

kiyoon opened this issue · comments

The current implementation uses sysv_ipc package to communicate to already existing server to add more neovim instances.

For example, instead of opening another browser just because you have another neovim open, it can reuse the browser and open a new tab.

Task 1. To make the CLI compatible with Windows, we need to replace it with a cross-platform message queue, and file-based queue seems promising. persist-queue.

Task 2. To make the plugin compatible with Windows, the plugin should detect the shell when calling the python program.
It should detect the OS, and further detect if powershell or CMD is running. If Powershell is running, the current syntax should work the same, maybe. (& at the end of the command for forking)
If CMD is running it needs to replace the command.