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Nautilus Web UI

rgaudin opened this issue · comments

This ticket tracks the Kiwix GSoC 2023 Project Nautilus Web UI until code contributions and/or specific tickets requires creating its own dedicated repository.

Candidates, contributors, this ticket is the preferred location to discuss this project. Ask your questions here and mentors (@rgaudin, @kelson42) shall respond.

Mandatory reads:

Nautilus Web UI

Objective: build a web-based interface for what is currently a command-line tool.

Technologies: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS


Kiwix is useful because it can provide a lot of content to people without internet access. Therefore, the easiest it is to generate content that is available offline, the more users can be reached.

Nautilus is a powerful tool for creating ZIM files from collections of documents (PDF files, videos, etc.), but it currently requires the user to run commands from the command line. This makes it challenging for users (usually schools) who are not familiar with the command line or who prefer a graphical user interface.

The goal of this project is to build a web-based user interface for Nautilus, making it easier for users to convert their collections of documents into browsable ZIM files. The web UI will be built using Python, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS and will provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for Nautilus.

Key Deliverables:

  • A web-based user interface for Nautilus.
  • Documentation for how to install and use the web UI.
  • Test cases to verify the correct functioning of the web UI.

Skills required:

  • Strong knowledge of Python programming language
  • Familiarity with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Knowledge of web development and user interface design.

Difficulty: Medium, but probably a 350hrs project

Hi, I am Rishabh a 2nd year CSE student with 2-3 years of professional experience in web development who is looking to contribute to open source now.I have read the requirements that you have given but i have a really simple questions

  • Is tech stack already set in stone (i mean can it be changed like instead of JS is TS a possibility?)
  • Will a single person work on this project or maybe a small team
    @rgaudin @kelson42
  • Is tech stack already set in stone (i mean can it be changed like instead of JS is TS a possibility?)

Somewhat yes, because we'll have to maintain what will be built and we tend to limit the number of technologies we need across our projects. So most likely Python via Flask or FastAPI and the frontend using Vue.js

  • Will a single person work on this project or maybe a small team

Anybody can contribute to our projects but we'll have at most one GSoC student assigned to the project. We don't know yet how many student slots Google would grant us. This all depends on the quality of the candidates' proposals.

Somewhat yes, because we'll have to maintain what will be built and we tend to limit the number of technologies we need across our projects. So most likely Python via Flash or FastAPI and the frontend using Vue.js

Do you mean Flask? or some library i am not aware of

Ah ah that's a typo, yes flask 😅

Sorry for having so many questions 😓 but I want to ask will be it ok to post any questions here on this thread or is there any way to DM you
Also since this project will be done from scratch? To make my candidature stand out should start contributing to other repos until then or try to make a Proof of concept/Prototype for this Idea?
it could help in faster development time since i will be already aware of toolchains and tech

Here's the best place as any other candidate or contributor will have the opportunity to look at your questions and the answers. Saves times for everybody.

What's important to understand is that we get a lot of proposals and and more often than not what makes candidates stand out is contributions. We want to make sure that the candidate we choose is:

  • able to communicate properly
  • familiarized with our Github and our processes
  • has the required coding skills

Contributions (to any repository of Kiwix, openZIM or Offspot) informs us abut all this.

Hi, I am Mohamed. I have good knowledge of python. And I currently work on being a Front-End Developer but I am still a newbie. My question is: Is the project suitable for a beginner at web development?

Hi, I am Rishi a 3rd year CSE student. I have read the problem statement and I am confident that I can finish this project as I have developed quite a few applications with the given tech stack.

The problem statement asks us to design a User Interface using Vue.JS as frontend and Flask at the backend providing an API for the Vue application.

My doubt is that , while developing the UI, how do we integrate Nautilus into our application. Are there any pre built API's that can help me take advantage of nautilus's functionality or do I have to clone the Nautilus repository locally and build my application on top of the Nautilus and develop my own API's to get Nautilus's functionality onto my application.

I was also thinking of allowing users to view zim files in kiwix directly from the application by redirecting the zim file to open in kiwix. Do you think that this is a good feature to implement and would it enhance that chances of my proposal being selected?

@KrishnaRishi2208 i think nautilus is just a term they are using for a File manager(i could be wrong)

@RG7279805 Nautilus is a software turns a collection of documents into a browsable ZIM File. It is already developed , but right now the usage is only through command line. So, the purpose of this project is to develop a UI on top of the existing software.

Hello Team,
My name is Hady Elkady, a fresh graduate from the university of Bonn in Germany, where i have studied my bachelors, I currently work with a research group at the university of Oxford, where i have been developing a website to host the datasets offered by the group using Django and vanilla javascript.

previously i have worked during my studies in multiple projects and with another research group using python, if needed, i can gladly send my cv.

Regarding the project, I wanted to ask you as this would make development faster in my case, would it be ok to use django instead of flask, and what level of experience do you guys expect from developers before joining.

Also wanted to ask if there are any challenges or a mock up that we would need to finish before joining?

thank you in advance

@RG7279805 Nautilus is a software turns a collection of documents into a browsable ZIM File. It is already developed , but right now the usage is only through command line. So, the purpose of this project is to develop a UI on top of the existing software.

Ahh my bad but after your clarification its clear now,thanks

Now moving to your question i think we have to clone the current nautilus repo and then build a flask app upon that by importing already written functions
(I could be wrong but want to discuss possible solutions)

  • Is tech stack already set in stone (i mean can it be changed like instead of JS is TS a possibility?)

Somewhat yes, because we'll have to maintain what will be built and we tend to limit the number of technologies we need across our projects. So most likely Python via Flask or FastAPI and the frontend using Vue.js

  • Will a single person work on this project or maybe a small team

Anybody can contribute to our projects but we'll have at most one GSoC student assigned to the project. We don't know yet how many student slots Google would grant us. This all depends on the quality of the candidates' proposals.

@rgaudin @kelson42
well my idea was, using django, as the more famous when developing large full stack software, would benefit the project quality and possibly performance, and considering it is also a python framework, it shouldn't affect the development, when imoprting already written python functions

And i wanted to know if there is a challenge that we have to finish before submitting our proposal, or do we have to commit to for example to the repo before the beginning of the program?

@RG7279805 Nautilus is a software turns a collection of documents into a browsable ZIM File. It is already developed , but right now the usage is only through command line. So, the purpose of this project is to develop a UI on top of the existing software.

Ahh my bad but after your clarification its clear now,thanks

Now moving to your question i think we have to clone the current nautilus repo and then build a flask app upon that by importing already written functions (I could be wrong but want to discuss possible solutions)

Thanks for the clarification . I think we have to import and use Nautilus functions to get the required functionality.

  • Is tech stack already set in stone (i mean can it be changed like instead of JS is TS a possibility?)

Somewhat yes, because we'll have to maintain what will be built and we tend to limit the number of technologies we need across our projects. So most likely Python via Flask or FastAPI and the frontend using Vue.js

  • Will a single person work on this project or maybe a small team

Anybody can contribute to our projects but we'll have at most one GSoC student assigned to the project. We don't know yet how many student slots Google would grant us. This all depends on the quality of the candidates' proposals.

@rgaudin @kelson42

well my idea was, using django, as the more famous when developing large full stack software, would benefit the project quality and possibly performance, and considering it is also a python framework, it shouldn't affect the development, when imoprting already written python functions

And i wanted to know if there is a challenge that we have to finish before submitting our proposal, or do we have to commit to for example to the repo before the beginning of the program?

I think the answer you are looking lies in your question
You have mentioned that django is suitable for large scale apps
But you look at the nautilus CLI you will see it bot that huge so Flask might be a better option since we just have to expose the CLI features via HTTP
(I could be wrong and maybe mentors might change stack )

although i would have appreciated if we can give the mentors the chance to answer the question, as they are the ones who are more knowledgeable of the codebase, and of the flexibility of the project, and won't just guess from my question.

But really thank you for your answer, and being known for being used for large scale projects bec. of the middleware available, doesn't mean it can't be used for small projects, and i assume you haven't used django before, but it is not really difficult to setup for small projects and even the first website i have seen that compares the 2, states that it can be used for simple websites.

hope the mentors can still answer my question

Hi I am Rishav Jha, a 3rd year Bachelor of Technology student from National Institute of Technology Durgapur. I am an experienced Full stack developer and have worked on many Projects in Python. I have worked on many projects involving Management Systems, I have also worked and created several custom websites using the beautifulSoup and youtubeDL package, this make me enthusiastic about working on this project.

If we will be using Django/ Flask then we can use its templating engine to render the files but testing the frontend code will be harder, but since we are creating APIs.
I think using FastAPI will be the best option for this project, because it has built-in support for async code, and automatic API documentation generation, which will speed up our development time, make the project developer friendly, testing will be way more easier.

But I need to ask one thing, can we work on React for the UI part ?, because it has a large active community and thus maintaining the project in the longer run will be easier, because a lot of developers already know React. To test the Web UI we can use Jest & Enzyme.

My Github Account -
My Portfolio -

Hello Everyone! I am Arpit kandwal, Software Engineering Student from India. I'm excited to join this community and contribute to GSoC program. I have some experience in javascript, Nodejs, git and MongoDB. I have Created a website Using MongoDB, Expressjs, Nodejs. My works and projects is mentioned in my github. My github Profile is:

Thank you all for your feedback ; it's exciting to see this much interest in this project. Saturday/Sunday are my AFK days so pardon the delay. I will respond to all questions in this single comment.


Is the project suitable for a beginner at web development?

Yes ; a good part of GSoC is for the student to learn by applying their skills to an actual project to gain experience. That said, as mentioned above and on GSoC website, first step is for organizations to pick a single student per project. I've mentioned our criteria above yet you can imagine students with stronger background tend to have more chances.


My doubt is that , while developing the UI, how do we integrate Nautilus into our application. Are there any pre built API's that can help me take advantage of nautilus's functionality or do I have to clone the Nautilus repository locally and build my application on top of the Nautilus and develop my own API's to get Nautilus's functionality onto my application.

nautilus is a python app that only has a CLI interface. It has not been designed to work with this webUI so it might be necessary to tweak it a bit (part of the project).
As to how technically call it, I'd say via Python. The package can be installed via pip.

I was also thinking of allowing users to view zim files in kiwix directly from the application by redirecting the zim file to open in kiwix. Do you think that this is a good feature to implement and would it enhance that chances of my proposal being selected?

It's a very interesting idea indeed but there might be some challenges.


@KrishnaRishi2208 i think nautilus is just a term they are using for a File manager(i could be wrong)

Yeah we chose the name Nautilus because of the Nautilus File Manager… because nautilus's source of data is files. The two projects aren't related at all.

@RG7279805 Nautilus is a software turns a collection of documents into a browsable ZIM File. It is already developed , but right now the usage is only through command line. So, the purpose of this project is to develop a UI on top of the existing software.



Regarding the project, I wanted to ask you as this would make development faster in my case, would it be ok to use django instead of flask, and what level of experience do you guys expect from developers before joining.

There's no expected level of experience.

As for Django, no, we want to limit the number of technologies we use across our organization to be able to follow them and maintain our projects.

Also wanted to ask if there are any challenges or a mock up that we would need to finish before joining?

No, please refer to GSoC instructions. At this stage, candidates should be participating in our orgs' repository to demonstrate their existing skills. Later this month, candidates will have to submit a proposal that will be the base of the candidate selection.


But I need to ask one thing, can we work on React for the UI part ?, because it has a large active community and thus maintaining the project in the longer run will be easier, because a lot of developers already know React. To test the Web UI we can use Jest & Enzyme.

No, as explained above, we'll be maintaining this so we want to use the technologies we are already using. It will probably be up to the candidate to choose but it will Flask or FastAPI and either backend-rendering or Vue.js for the frontend.

hey Mr. Gaudin, I am Yousef Khaled Al-waer senior computer engineer student at Cairo university. I am interested in contributing to " Nautilus Web UI ",
I am a DevOps engineer, I have almost 2 years of professional working experience in DevOps.
I come from a development background. I worked as a frontend for about two years on a freelance, in addition to 6 months of working professionally.

basically, I understand the need for this project since I am one of the users of Kiwix, so I understand how it difficult how to treat with terminal if you aren't familiar with it,
I would like to contribute to the project and in addition, I suggest dockerizing the whole application so the user can even run it inside the container when it needs to use without the need for installation,
I want to contribute so is there is qualification task or some tasks I can do to prove my ability? something like an issue or place to discuss ideas.

thank you, Mr.Gaudin

Here are my contact details:
E-mail Personal:
Mobile: +201557752400

Yours Sincerely,
Yousef Alwaer

@Waer1 indeed the whole application will be published via a docker image as well, as for all our projects.

Please read the previous comments regarding how to participate

@rgaudin can you tell me the major target of this Nautilus Web UI. Is it gonna run on a small server to which people will have access or they will run it on the local machine serving content/files from their own machines

No, the main goal of this is to offer a SaaS like for people to upload their files and download a ZIM file.
It will also be able to run on anyone's machine (via Docker or Python) but that would not be the primary use case as the goal is to provide a U.I to simplify the process…

@rgaudin I am ready with a first draft of my proposal could let me how can i share it with you
can I DM this somewhere?

I cannot commit time to review proposals at this moment. You'll have to wait for the proposals window to open (the 20th I believe) and submit it via GSoC UI

Hey all, I'm Kinjalk Tripathi (2nd year B.Tech in CSE), I'm having trouble in setting up Nautilus in Windows. It always comes back to me with an error saying pyproject.toml did not run successfully: libzim library not found. After some googling I learnt that pip install libzim is not supported for windows and I will have to compile its c++ source code for that by installing additional dependencies, so I just wanted to ask, is Nautilus setup really this hectic or am I on a wrong track?

Nautilus depends on python-libzim indeed which is not supported on Windows. To use it on Windows, use it via docker

hey @rgaudin where, is the code or we are expected to make whole user interface . If so pls give some idea how we have to proceed

The whole UI is expected. Look at the inputs of nautilus ; those should be provided via the Web UI.

@rgaudin since the project is Medium but 350 hrs, can we divide it into 22 weeks or is there any specific time frame we have to follow while writing our proposal.

And , while preparing the proposal, is it better if we present basic HTML files we will use to design the UI or can we use tools like figma to develop the UI .

Hello 👋,

I'm Kartik S Prajapati and I am pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Computer Applications from Chandigarh University in India. I am a Full Stack Web Developer with experience in using Vue.js, and I am excited to learn and work with Flask, which will be a new experience for me.

The problem at hand is with Nautilus, a tool developed in Python used to convert media files into ZIM file format. However, it is only available as a CLI and lacks a User Interface, making it difficult for those who are not well-versed with CLI to use it effectively.

To address this issue, We need to develop a User Interface using Vue.js as the frontend along with Tailwind.CSS for CSS. For the backend, We are gonna use Flask or FastAPI, both of which are Python frameworks. Right?

Have I correctly identified the requirements of the problem and proposed a suitable solution that aligns with them? Please let me know, and I would be happy to consider them. @rgaudin @kelson42


Hi @rgaudin ,
I am John and I am currently pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science.

While trying to use Nautilus locally, I have the following output in the cli :
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,887] INFO:starting nautilus scraper for
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,888] INFO:preparing build folder at /output/build
INFO:fixing videosjs-ogvjs.js
INFO:all done.
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,924] INFO:Extracting ZIP archive /home/john/Desktop/ to /output/build/files
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,927] INFO:Collection loaded. 1 items, 1 files
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,927] INFO:update general metadata
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,945] INFO:creating HTML files
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:07,951] INFO:building ZIM file
Resolve redirect
set index
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:09,605] INFO:removing HTML folder
[nautiluszim::2023-03-09 09:40:09,611] INFO:all done!

my collection.json file is:
"title": "...",
"description": "...",
"authors": "...",
"files": ["./"]


My zip file has 3 empty text files:

Could you please guide me in the usage of the tool as I cant see the zim file anywhere.

@KrishnaRishi2208, that's your proposal so you propose but it can all be discussed and changed afterwards. We don't expect code/html because it's just a proposal. Mockup images are a great idea!

@kartiksprajapati yes; I've already confirmed this multiple times.

@drtrain25 use --help to learn about the options. One of them is --output I believe

@shapaozi1hao, I've already answered all those questions. Also, you should communicate in English.


I'm sorry,I'm just worried that I don't have enough knowledge and hope to know more。

Would request the mentors @rgaudin @kelson42 to please guide me on the next steps and project planning.

Thanks in Advance

@kartiksprajapati that's for you to figure out. Read the previous comments and GSoC documentation

Hello, I came across this project Nautilus Web UI and after reading the description and details I am getting that this idea is focused on providing the best Web UI via Nautilus to the users so that they will be able to download and upload ZIM files easily as UI will make it easier and convenient for users rather than command line . Please let me know if I am getting this right as I am highly motivated for being part of this project.

Hi I am Madhurima from BTech 3rd year CSE branch.I am from India.Currently ,I am working on the skills required to be a part of your project.I will be highly obliged if you give me a chance to be a part and learning attitude inspires me that I can contribute something.
contact details:

Hello, everyone.
I am Duncan Ngugi from Kenya. I've been studying SE for over a year now under the ALX-Holberton SE program. I have experience with C, Python (including Flask), HTML, CSS, and vanilla Javascript. I would really like to contribute to this project.


No, the main goal of this is to offer a SaaS like for people to upload their files and download a ZIM file.

  1. Does this mean that web UI should carter for the upload of zip files that nautilus can ZIM files
  2. Could, a kiwix browser extension/add-on be ideal to allow users to view zim files on their browsers, offering just reading functionality
  • Does this mean that web UI should carter for the upload of zip files that nautilus can ZIM files


  • Could, a kiwix browser extension/add-on be ideal to allow users to view zim files on their browsers, offering just reading functionality

Already exists:

Respected Sir,
I have created a flow chart representing what will be the flow chart of the process. Can you please verify that, am I taking the project idea correct or not? Or suggest any changes needed in it or not. Flow chart doing steps are:

  • A UI of site, where website take the link of the site, whose zim file it wants.
  • When user click over the submit button, then through api the link of the site will be sent to the server.
  • Then the backend which will use like flask or django, we will use Nautilus tool and process the link sent by user.
  • Then the downloaded link will be sent to frontend and visible to user and user can click over that.
  • User can click over download and that will be downloaded.

Please suggest am I taking the idea right, so I can plan how to execute it in such a way that site will be more optimized.

  • A UI of site, where website take the link of the site, whose zim file it wants.

No, this already exists See its repo at zimit-frontend

We want something similar but not to create a ZIM from a website but instead from a collection of local files. Creating a ZIM from a collection of local files is what nautilus does but it's a CLI program that runs on unix so no Windows (except via docker or WSL).
We thus want a SaaS to allow users to get a ZIM using just a browser and the server will call nautilus and upload the ZIM somewhere.

I am working on a proposal for the project.
Could you please clarify if we need to contribute to kiwix for our proposal to be considered for selection as I really want to get selected.
If yes, could you please guide me by mentioning a few issues that I can work on.

You don't need to but I explained it's one of our criteria to select candidates. Read above comments.

hello all, am santhosh currently pursuing electrical and electronics engineering in india.

is there any slack channel or any other medium for communication for this project? @rgaudin

#gsoc channel on Kiwix's Slack which mentions that questions would be answered only inside this ticket for now so that all candidates can see them

Hello all, my name is Rohit currently pursuing mechanical engineering in India.
are there any good first issues for me to start and help the codebase better? @rgaudin

Good first issues have a matching label in all our repositories

  • A UI of site, where website take the link of the site, whose zim file it wants.

No, this already exists See its repo at zimit-frontend

We want something similar but not to create a ZIM from a website but instead from a collection of local files. Creating a ZIM from a collection of local files is what nautilus does but it's a CLI program that runs on unix so no Windows (except via docker or WSL). We thus want a SaaS to allow users to get a ZIM using just a browser and the server will call nautilus and upload the ZIM somewhere.

You have mentioned that Nautilus is only available in windows using docker or wsl. If our application is running on windows, how do we call nautilus functions from our application? Will there be any cloud hosting of Nautilus where we can call the functions from flask or do we locally install nautilus and work on our application on top of it. If we will have to work on it locally , do we have to deploy our application by dockerizing our entire application ?

@rgaudin You have mentioned that Nautilus is only available in windows using docker or wsl. If our application is running on windows, how do we call nautilus functions from our application?Will there be any cloud hosting of Nautilus where we can call the functions from flask or do we locally install nautilus and work on our application on top of it. If we will have to work on it locally , do we have to deploy our application by dockerizing our entire application ?

This project is about building a Web UI. Yes the backend of this WebUI will probably import some function from the nautiliszim package and call it so that the ZIM is created (and then uploaded).
This will all be running on Linux, inside a docker container.

For development, you can just call a dummy function for now because this doesn't matter much until the UI is mostly done.

Hello, I came across this project Web UI and after reading the description and details I am getting that this idea is focused on providing the best Web UI to the users so that they will be able to download and upload ZIM files easily as UI will make it easier and convenient for users rather than command line .


Hello, I am interested in this project idea
I have experience in web development based on MERN stack
But I'm having a doubt like can we use react for frontend to create UI to meet requirements of this idea
And please let me know if there's an demo video illustrating the same

Hii i am interested to work up on this project......

Congratulations for being a mentor organization for GSOC’23 !
My name is Elisur Freyesus. I'm a software engineering strudent. I'm interested in this projects and I want to contribute.
I have experience in frontend development. I'm familiar with vanilla HTML, CSS, Javascript, bootstrap, tailwind. In addition to those I am familiar with frameworks like angular and flutter. I also have an in depth understanding of datastructures and algorithms with Python programming language. My aim is to gain experiences, help build a beautiful projects and keep on contributing aftwards. I will be more than happy if you could guide me through the application process as I'm new to both GSoC and OpenSource contributions.

My github:

I am Mohammed sani Mohammed a third year student in computer engineering, I am well aware Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, NodeJS, I would like to contribute to your organization, specifically in this project, but could you please tell me how to get started ?


Sir, I am trying to fix #832 bug but running the KIWIX Desktop on visual code error occurred, firstly I cloned the desktop code and then tried to install sudo make install

sudo : The term 'sudo' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included,
verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • sudo make install
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (sudo:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Hi, Myself Shivam Pandey ,A 2nd year CSE-AI Student .I have seen and studied your Nautilus Web UI project idea ,as i have a strong knowledge of python ,and Frontend and also fulfill your requirements.
I want to ask you a simple question and would be happy if you reply me.
My question is can i make it only using python because python also provide tkinter library for UI and also we add many features in this like adding QR with help of python so that user also handle with it smart phone. Also its debugging is somewhat simple .

Nautilus depends on python-libzim indeed which is not supported on Windows. To use it on Windows, use it via docker

@thestarsahil you need to be in a linux env as mentioned here
"Sudo" is only available on linux

@RG7279805 Can'nt we operate the Code Structure in Window OS

@thestarsahil either use WSL or docker

i need to setup the run package for docker also right?

@thestarsahil kiwix-desktop is not involved in this ticket. If you want to browse ZIM files, download the binary release.

@SMPY2002 tkinter is for desktop UI, not Web AFAIK

@rgaudin Hello, I wanted to ask for help regarding GSoC proposal which I have proposed and where can I send for pre-review?

Hello, @rgaudin I have submitted a proposal, would the mentors connect with me regarding any suggestions or should I dm them in slack to ask for suggestions and feedback regarding the proposal?

We periodically look at proposals and contact authors for which we'd like to see changes.

Hi, My name is Nithin currently pursuing btech 2nd year in computer science. I have great knowledge on html, css and javascript and programming languages like c,c++,java and python. I have also done some projects based on above mentioned technologies.

Hi nice to meet you all :)
My name's Fares, I'm a computer Engineer undergraduate
i've worked on web apps projects using Javascript/Node.js and python/Django
regarding the webpage you wanna build
you got a UI in mind or do you want a design as well
and i want to know if there's a UI that i'm supposed to improve or am i making one from scartch

Hello @rgaudin Sir,
So i understood the problem statement
Currently it is a command prompt tool..and as many people or small kids don't know much about command prompt and their commands so we are going to make a website to convert a command tool to an interface


@rgaudin Sir,
I have thought of a solution that ELECTRON JS will be quite a useful in this making as we want to create a desktop a web interface

As we know that electron js is used for any operating system so for future purpose also we can create a web application

Electronjs can be implemented by using javascript or node js Javascript for front end purpose and Node js for backend ..and combining both we can create a desktop application also an web interface

Thank You Sir in ...Looking forward for your reply.

Hi @rgaudin, Thanks for your helpful responses. I’m having trouble understanding the distinction between the Nautilus web UI and the Youzim website you referenced in the comments. Does the Youzim website zim content from URLs while Nautilus zims uploaded documents and videos?

Does the Youzim website zim content from URLs while Nautilus zims uploaded documents and videos?

Yes, Youzim crawls the input URL and stores a copy of the website into the ZIM.

Nautilus creates a ZIM with a standard UI for browsing a collection of files.
See examples of such ZIMs at

Does the Youzim website zim content from URLs while Nautilus zims uploaded documents and videos?

Yes, Youzim crawls the input URL and stores a copy of the website into the ZIM.

Nautilus creates a ZIM with a standard UI for browsing a collection of files. See examples of such ZIMs at

Can you provide more information about the development process of the Nautilus web UI project? Are we going to create the backend process from the beginning or will it be built on top of the openzim/nautilus package? Additionally, if I don’t have any prior experience with the openzim/nautilus package, am I still eligible to apply for the project?


You have mentioned above that zip files are converted to ZIM files . Can we also allow user to provide multiple files which we can zip at the backend.

Here, will the zim file be stored on our database, or do we download the ZIM file onto user system and remove the file from our storage.

@KrishnaRishi2208 ZIP is an input for nautilus but the WebUI can (should) be more flexible.

As we'll create the file on the server FS, we'll have to offer it for download. It's likely that we'll upload it to an S3 bucket and send that link to the user so the user has some time to download it before it gets automatically deleted. That's how we ddo it on

@rgaudin Do we have to implement user login while developing the application?

Not needed

Hi i am mahi . I am interested in contributing to this project where can i start ?

I @mahidhar5169, this project is currently on-going as par as the GSoC. The repo is at but I'd advise to wait for the ground work to be merged-in before contributing.