kittykatattack / hexi

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makeTiledWorld import .tsx tileset file

thomasverleye opened this issue · comments


First of, awesome project, I'm taking really big shortcuts for a project I'm working on with this codebase!
I'm wondering if it's possible to read a .tsx tileset file instead of having to import the whole tileset into the tiled .json export. I could use this because on the designteam I'm working with is using 1 general .tsx tileset file to create their levels.

Kind regards,

Thomas Verleye

Hi Thomas!

Glad you're enjoying Hexi!
I'm using it every day for my production work too (making educational games.)

I'm really sorry but reading .tsx files is not a feature.
Also, it's not on my road map for future, but if someone wants to create a plugin for it, that would be awesome!
The place to do it would be in this module:

While we are thinking of features, the one I miss is support for multiple tilesets. Tiled allows the use of different tiles (e.g. I might have items in one tileset and then map tiles in another tileset).

I guess Thomas meant .tmx files which is Tiled's native format. .json serves me well.

Another observation:

  • If I have a map without a "name" tile property for at least one tile, it will fail to load. This is strange and was hard to catch for me.