kitesurfer1404 / WS2812FX

WS2812 FX Library for Arduino and ESP8266

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How to reverse the led order?

biccius opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone.
This library is great! Its simplicity and its many presets save a lot of time and everything works great.
My question is simple: Is there any way to easily reverse the order of the LEDs?

Thank you

You can add the REVERSE option at the end of the segSegment() statement.

ws2812fx.setSegment(0, 0, 9, FX_MODE_FADE, colors, 2000, REVERSE);

This option, and others, is covered in the User Guide.

Thanks, with some adaptations in my code it worked.
I thought there was a method at init that would do that but setSegment worked fine.

This issue can be closed.