kirstein / angular-disqus

A set of directive(s) and services for disqus to simplify the life of developers.


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Does not seem to work at all anymore

stcalica opened this issue · comments

I tried using this and it doesn't seem to recognize $disqusProvider at all

Here is what I did:

  1. bower install angular-disqus --save

  2. added ngDisqus

  3. tried to register the shortname.


        'use strict';

        var dependencies = [

        angular.module('blogger', dependencies)

        Config.$inject = ['$locationProvider', '$disqusProvider'];

        function Config($locationProvider){


        if (window.location.hash === '#_=_'){
                window.location.hash = '#!';


        //bootstrap angular


                angular.bootstrap(document, ['blogger']);



Here is the error:

Failed to instantiate module blogger due to:
ReferenceError: $disqusProvider is not defined
    at Config (
    at Object.invoke (
    at d (
    at q (
    at g (
    at bb (
    at c (
    at Object.yc [as bootstrap] (
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (

That error usually isn't due to the code being dead. It's likely a misplaced ";" somewhere.

Installed it – works like a champ. Except that I'm still getting the same problem that I was getting with my previous install methods – for the life of me, I can't get my threads on my mobile app synced to those on my website. But I've had that problem with three methods, now, so I'm pretty sure the issue is on my end :)

Did you include the angular-disqus.jsscript in your index.html (or equivalent) file?

Yeah so I actually just a complete reinstall of the services and now it works. I probably messed something up the first time. I'll close this down. thank you!