kinx-project / kint

kinT keyboard controller (Kinesis controller replacement)

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Teensy 3.2 (kint32) QMK support

stapelberg opened this issue · comments

I’ll close this as there hasn’t been any user interest in the kint32 variant. Please describe in this issue if/why you’re interested in that model, instead of e.g. the kint40 or kint41.

I have 3 teensy 3.2s collecting dust.

Will these work or no? Can it be fixed in qmk?


Will these work or no?

I haven’t tested yet, as nobody expressed any interest before you.

Can it be fixed in qmk?

It would need to be added to qmk first. Could be a simple copy of kint36, but there’s no way of telling whether it will really work unless someone tries it :)

You can try make kinesis/kint32:stapelberg works for me, but I haven’t tested the resulting firmware on an actual Teensy 3.2.

Would you mind doing a PR to add the kint32 to Qmk ? I've got a few of these now.

I don’t have time to test the kint32 properly now or going forward.

If you want to have the support merged into QMK, can I suggest you take the branch posted above as a starting point, and contribute it to QMK yourself please?
