kimtg / arcadia

An implementation of the Arc programming language

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Kerrigan29a opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to run this code from anarki

(= templates2* (table))

(mac deftem2 (tem . fields)
  (withs (name (carif tem) includes (if (acons tem) (cdr tem)))
    `(= (templates2* ',name)
        (+ (mappend templates2* ',(rev includes))
           (list ,@(map (fn ((k v)) `(list ',k (fn () ,v)))
                        (pair fields)))))))

(deftem2 point2d x y)

and I'm getting

Syntax error : (fn ((k v)) (cons (quote list) (cons (cons (quote quote) (cons k (quote nil))) (cons (cons (quote fn) (cons (quote nil) (cons v (quote nil)))) (quote nil)))))
error in expression:
    (deftem2 point2d x y)

But if I execute it in Try ARC it runs well

arc> (= templates2* (table))
arc> (mac deftem2 (tem . fields)
  (withs (name (carif tem) includes (if (acons tem) (cdr tem)))
    `(= (templates2* ',name)
        (+ (mappend templates2* ',(rev includes))
           (list ,@(map (fn ((k v)) `(list ',k (fn () ,v)))
                        (pair fields)))))))
#(tagged mac #<procedure: deftem2>)
arc> (deftem2 point2d x y)
((x #<procedure: gs968>))
arc> (deftem2 '(point3d point2d) z)
((z #<procedure: gs972>))