kimlimjustin / xplorer

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More shortcut keys support

ledmirage opened this issue · comments

these are some of the common shortcut keys i personally use frequently
base on my exp using file explorer in windows and linux

support the following shortcut keys:

  • search (eg Ctrl+F)
  • new windows (eg Ctrl+N)
  • new tab (eg Ctrl+T)
  • navigate Up from current folder (eg Alt+Up)
  • navigate back/forward folder history (eg Alt+Left/Right)
  • toggle display of hidden files (eg Ctrl+H)

Most importantly it should support configurable shortcut so user can customize them base on preference.

feel free to add more to the list

Noted, thanks!

Btw, some of it already exists, like navigate back/forward, new tab and toggle hidden files.

For the customization, I'm working on the theme_customization theme rn.

All of the keyboard you proposed are implemented now in the master branch, stay tuned for next release!