kiminh / RGRecSys

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RGRecSys is a robustness evaluation toolkit for recommendation systems. Currently, the robustness tools in RGRecSys can be tested on general and context-aware recommendation models from RecBole library. Our toolkit allows users to easily and uniformly evaluate recommender system robustness. See our paper for more details.


  • python >= 3.7
  • torch >= 1.7.0
  • numpy >= 1.17.2
  • pandas >= 1.0.5
  • scikit-learn >= 0.23.2
  • recbole == 0.2.1


  1. If you want to use datasets other than ml-100k, you need to use RecBole library to get the atomic files. Otherwise, you can skip this step. The atomic files provide a data representation for different recommendation algorithms including .INTER, .USER, and .ITEM. See this for more information.
  2. Create a folder named as "saved" in the RGRecSys-master folder.
  3. Specify the model, dataset, and desired robustness test in the main function of the following the example below:
if __name__ == '__main__':
  for model in [“BPR”]:  #Specify model here
    dataset = "ml-100k"  #Specify dataset here
    base_config_dict = { #Specify selectively loading data here. Keys are the suffix of loaded atomic files, values are the field name list to be loaded
      'load_col': {
        'inter': ['user_id', 'item_id', 'rating', 'timestamp'], 
        'user': ['user_id', 'age', 'gender','occupation'],
        'item': ['item_id', 'release_year', 'class']
    robustness_dict = {  #Specify the robustness test here. This example shows slicing based on user feature
      "slice": {
        "by_feature": {
          "occupation": {"equal": "student"}
    results = train_and_test(

Below is more examples of different robustness test formatting:

Slice Test Data by Feature
#Ex: A slice of users whose occupation is student
#Format: ”user feature”: {“equal, min, or max”: “value”}
"slice": {
  "by_feature": {
    "occupation": {"equal": "student"}
Slice Test Data by Interaction
#Ex: A slice of users whose number of interactions is more than 50
#Format: ”user”: {“equal, min, or max”: # interactions}
"slice": {
  "by_inter": {
    "user": {"min": 50}
Sparsify the Training Data
#Ex: randomly drop 25% of interactions for users whose number of interactions is more than 10
#Format: ”min_user_inter”: min num of inter for each user, ”fraction_removed”: fraction of interaction to remove
"sparsify": {
  "min_user_inter": 10,
  "fraction_removed": .25
Transform the Test Data - Structured
#Ex: users age will be replaced with a value between 0.8 of their original age to 1.2 of their original age (user with age 10 will have an age value randomly selected from 8-12)
#Format: ”user or item feature”: fraction of current value that will be added or subtracted from the original value
"transform_features": {
  "structured": {
    "age": 0.2,
Transform the Test Data - Random
#Ex: change 40% of user gender value to any other gender value
#Format: ”user or item feature”: fraction to change
"transform_features": {
  "random": {
    "gender": .40,
Transform the Training Interactions - Random Attack
#Ex: 10% of usser interaction are transformed to other values
#Format: ”fraction_transformed”: fraction to transform
"transform_interactions": {
  "fraction_transformed": 0.1
Distribution Shift in the Test Set
#Ex: manipulate test set to contain 50% male and 50% female
#Format: ”user feature”: {proportions of each feature value}
"distribution_shift": {
  "gender": {
    "M": .5,
    "F": .5


If you aim to use RGRecSys for your research or development, please cite the following paper:

author = {Ovaisi, Zohreh and Heinecke, Shelby and Li, Jia and Zhang, Yongfeng and Zheleva, Elena and Xiong, Caiming},
title = {RGRecSys: A Toolkit for Robustness Evaluation of Recommender Systems},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3488560.3502192},
series = {WSDM '22}


License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%