kimeshan / git-standup-slackbot

:memo: See all your commits in the last 24h right within Slack.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Standup Slackbot

A simple Slack app that shows you all commits within a repository in the last 24h.

Pull Requests Welcome Standard - JavaScript Style Guide

Looking for contributors. Submit a pull request if you have something to add.

Slack Add Request URL for Slash Command

Add to Slack


In case you want to customize git-standup-slackbot and not use the above "add to Slack" button, you can deploy the application yourself as well.

1. Deployment

The easiest way to get up and running is to deploy the app to Heroku. Alternatively, you may of course deploy the application elsewhere or on localhost.


2. Slack Setup

Go to your integrations page at Slack ( and search for "Slash Commands". Click on the "Add" button.

Slack Add Slash Command

Create the text command itself. This is the text that the user will type after the slash. We use /git-standup.

Slack Create Slash Command

Configure the request URL of the Slash Command to the URL on which the git-standup-slackbot is running.

Slack Add Request URL for Slash Command

3. Test Command

After deploying and configuring the "Slash Command" in Slack you are able to use the command with the name you gave in step 2.


Git-Standup-Slackbot takes the GitHub username and the name of a public repository as arguments.

/git-standup username repository


:memo: See all your commits in the last 24h right within Slack.


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