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Get all you need about ECG!


papers, notes, books, codes about ECG

#scholars Ali Etemad AP at Queen's University, AI+wearable device+signals

packages and useful links

  1. NeuroKit2

  2. Pythonic package for HRV Analysis

  3. Awesome Affective Computing





  1. Opportunities and Challenges in Deep Learning Methods on Electrocardiogram Data: A Systematic Review
    2019年的综述,从模型和应用的角度综述了深度学习在ECG领域的研究现状。作者来自佐治亚理工,北大,IQVIA和UIUC 的Jimeng Sun.

ECG generation by GANs

1.Synthesis of Realistic ECG using Generative Adversarial Networks
2019, summary: 生成两个连续心拍,

2.Improving ECG Classification using Generative Adversarial Networks
2020 AAAI, summary: 生成新拍,辅助分类;

3.PGANs: Personalized Generative Adversarial Networks for ECG Synthesis to Improve Patient-Specific Deep ECG Classification
2019 AAAI, summary: 生成心拍;

4.ECG Generation With Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets Optimized by Policy Gradient
2019, IEEE Access,

5.Electrocardiogram generation with a bidirectional LSTM-CNN generative adversarial network
2019, Scientific Reports;

6.BeatGAN: Anomalous Rhythm Detection using Adversarially Generated Time Series
2019 IJCAI, Bin Zhou, Shenghua Liu, Bryan Hooi, Xueqi Cheng and Jing Ye from Chinese Academy of Science, NUS and Nanfang Hospital, Sourthern Medical U, citation=2;

7.Quick and Easy Time Series Generation with Established Image-based GANs
2019, Eoin Brophy, Zhengwei Wang, Tomas E. Ward from Dublin City University, citation=8;

wave delineation

  1. Automated beat-wise arrhythmia diagnosis using modified U-net on extended electrocardiographic recordings with heterogeneous arrhythmia types
    Applying modified U-Net to identify wave boundary in ECG sequence.


  1. The pNNx files: re-examining a widely used heart rate variability measure


[1985-New method for assessing cardiac parasympathetic activity using 24 hour electrocardiograms](paper/1985-New method for assessing cardiac parasympathetic activity using 24 hour electrocardiograms.pdf)

[2002-The pNNx files- re-examining a widely used heart rate variability measure](paper/2002-The pNNx files- re-examining a widely used heart rate variability measure.pdf)

[2010-Affect detection-An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications](paper/2010-Affect detection-An Interdisciplinary Review of Models, Methods, and Their Applications.pdf)

[2015_Recognizing Emotions Induced by Affective sounds through HRV](paper/2015_Recognizing Emotions Induced by Affective sounds through HRV.pdf)

[2019-Automated beat-wise arrhythmia diagnosis using modified U-net on extended electrocardiographic recordings with heterogeneous arrhythmia types](paper/2019-Automated beat-wise arrhythmia diagnosis using modified U-net on extended electrocardiographic recordings with heterogeneous arrhythmia types.pdf)

[2019-Classification of Cognitive Load and Expertise for adaptive simulation using deep multitask learning](paper/2019-Classification of Cognitive Load and Expertise for adaptive simulation using deep multitask learning.pdf)

[2019-Heart sound signals can be used for emotino recognition](paper/2019-Heart sound signals can be used for emotino recognition.pdf)

[2019-Opportunities and Challenges in Deep Learning Methods on ECG data-a systemmatic review](paper/2019-Opportunities and Challenges in Deep Learning Methods on ECG data-a systemmatic review.pdf)

[2020-Designing Network Design Spaces](paper/2020-Designing Network Design Spaces.pdf)


  1. [DECAF emotional states recognition dataset]
    DECAF introduction PPT
    DECAF: MEG-based Multimodal Database for Decoding Affective Physiological Responses
    2015年来自University of Trento, Queen Mary University of London,Advanced Digital Sciences Center (ADSC) UIUC Singapore 等机构的研究者发布多模态 的情绪识别数据集。主要卖点在MEG。

  2. [AMIGOS]


  3. PTB-XL-PhysioNet


  4. LUDB

    2020年发布,Lobachevsky University, 200多条12导联数据集;


Get all you need about ECG!