kiennq / emacs-mini-modeline

Display emacs mode line in minibuffer

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Titlebar became unreadable

jumper047 opened this issue · comments

When mini-modeline mode activated titlebar become as thin as active window indicator. You can see it running "list-packages", for example.

When mini-modeline mode activated titlebar become as thin as active window indicator. You can see it running "list-packages", for example.

Which title bar are you referring to? Can you show me in some screenshot?


I am talking about bar which contain column's names - in the top at first picture. On second he became thin and blue, just like bar on bottom of screen. Interesting that he became like this not immediately but after some minutes when i activate mini modeline mode.

Can you check the face for header-line when this repro? I cannot seem to able to repro this

Checked - header-line inherits mode-line face, so i can fix it myself:). Btw i use doom-themes, quite popular package. May be this issue worth to mention in readme? Or it is more correct to open issue in doom-themes?

Yes, I think header-line should not inherit from mode-line. I'm using zenburn and it's quite ok. So doom-themes should fix it. Decoupling between mode-line and head-line and even tab-line would be the best.

Seems like i can close it now - issue completely fixed. Thank you for fix!