khoih-prog / AsyncWebServer_Teensy41

Async HTTP/WebSocket Server Library for Teensy 4.1 using QNEthernet. This library is one of the Async libraries to support T4.1, such as AsyncHTTPRequest_Generic, AsyncHTTPSRequest_Generic, AsyncMQTT_Generic, AsyncWebServer_Teensy41, AsyncUDP_Teensy41, AsyncDNSServer_Teensy41, etc. Now supporting using CString to save heap to send very large data

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Websocket don´t work

Mike0675 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I can´t use WebSockets with Async_WebServer_Teensy41.

I adopted a Sketch from ESP32 where it works well.

With Teensy 4.1 the Connection establishes but send no Data to the Client (HRESULT: 0x80072F78).

Im using Windows10, "Websocket Debug Tools", Wireshark

Arduino IDE version 1.8.19
Teensyduino Core v1.58 beta3
QNEthernet library version v0.17.0

Steps to Reproduce

I used Async_AdvancedWebServer Example
and added:

AsyncWebSocket ws("/ws");

void onWsEvent(AsyncWebSocket *server, AsyncWebSocketClient *WS_Client, AwsEventType type, void *arg, uint8_t *data, size_t len) {

	if (type == WS_EVT_CONNECT) {

		Serial.println("Websocket client connection received");
		WS_Client->text("Hello from ESP32 Server");
	} else if (type == WS_EVT_DISCONNECT) {
		Serial.println("Client disconnected");





if (millis() > timer + 5000) {
	ws.textAll(String(millis() / 1000));
	timer = millis();

Expected behavior

The Server should send back "Hello from Teensy 4.1 Server".
Every 5s the Server should send millis() / 1000.

Actual behavior

With "Websocket Debug Tools" I get (HRESULT: 0x80072F78)
Using Wireshark it seems the OPCODE for Websocket Connection is Wrong.

Please post the MRE, as well as all the tests procedures / results so far, to save anybody time to duplicate the issue.

Also try to adapt the example from sibling library Async_WebSocketsServer, written for RP2040W AsyncWebServer_RP2040W

Hi @Mike0675

I just adapted the Async_WebSocketsServer code and posted in this library as Async_WebSocketsServer for Teensy4_1

The WebSockets Server is working correctly, meaning the WS protocol is handled correctly in this library


The terminal debug is

Async_WebSocketsServer on TEENSY 4.1

Starting Async_WebSocketsServer on TEENSY 4.1
 with Teensy4.1 QNEthernet
AsyncWebServer_Teensy41 v1.6.1
Initialize Ethernet using DHCP => Connected! IP address:
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 1] WSClient connected
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 1] text-message[len: 13]: Hello, Server
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 1] WSClient disconnected
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 2] WSClient connected
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 2] text-message[len: 13]: Hello, Server
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 2] WSClient disconnected
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 3] WSClient connected
ws[Server: /ws][ClientID: 3] text-message[len: 13]: Hello, Server

The WebSockets Client code using python used to test

# Run by $ python3.8
# From websocket-client package. Install by $ pip3 install websocket-client
import websocket
import time
ws = websocket.WebSocket()
while True:
ws.send("Hello, Server")
result = ws.recv()

Just modify to match the IP of the server. In this case