khaled-alshamaa / ar-php

Set of functionalities enable Arabic website developers to serve professional search, present and process Arabic content in PHP

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Facing issue to search a specific character into database

tameemahmad opened this issue · comments

   $Arabic = new Arabic();
    $keyword = str_replace('\"', '"', $string);
     $strCondition = $Arabic->arQueryWhereCondition($keyword);
     $strOrderBy   = $Arabic->arQueryOrderBy($keyword);

i am trying to filter records based on a string but unable to find , i am using your package with laravel

I have no experience in Laravel ORM, but following your example code, the SQL statement generated by Ar-PHP library functionality will be (for the "text" field in the "verses" table):

SELECT `text` FROM `verses` WHERE ( REPLACE(text, 'ـ', '') REGEXP '((ا|أ|إ|آ)ل)?ل(ة|ه)') ORDER BY ((CASE WHEN  REPLACE(text, 'ـ', '') REGEXP '((ا|أ|إ|آ)ل)?ل(ة|ه)' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)) DESC

Try it directly on your database using phpMyAdmin. If you get the expected records (just like what I did), then the issue that you have is related to how to configure Laravel ORM properly.

I will highly appreciate it if you (or any Laravel expert) find out a solution and share it with us, so we can add it to our knowledge base as Laravel currently is one of the most popular PHP frameworks.

this should works


also, you can try this package for easy integration with laravel

Thank you, Ashraf, for your help in this issue. I highly appreciate your valuable efforts in integrating the Ar-PHP library with the Laravel framework. I also try to do my homework and come with a different suggestion that might work:

$result = DB::table('verses')->whereRaw($strCondition)->orderByRaw($strOrderBy)->limit(10)->get();

The biggest danger in Raw Queries is that they are not automatically secured, so if you are passing any parameters to the query, please triple-check and validate. Therefore, before calling the arQueryWhereCondition and arQueryOrderBy methods from the Ar-PHP library, you have to escape special characters within the input string:

$keyword = DB::connection()->getPdo()->quote($keyword); this package is really helpful for me