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Missing hooks in the Scala backend (primarily for Plutus Core)

ayberkt opened this issue · comments

The following hooks will have to be implemented in the Scala backend as a first step to getting Plutus Core to run with it.

  • "LIST.size" for label "sizeList"
  • "STRING.le" for label "<=String"
  • "String.string2base" for label "String2Base"
  • "STRING.countAllOccurrences" for label "countAllOccurrences(,)"
  • "MAP.removeAll" for label "removeAll"
  • "IO.parse" for label "#parse"
  • "KEQUAL.ite" for label "#if_#then_#else_#fi"
  • "SET.intersection" for label "intersectSet"
  • "FLOAT.abs" for label "absFloat"
  • "IO.write" for label "#write(,)"
  • "FLOAT.round" for label "roundFloat"
  • "IO.open" for label "#open(,)"
  • "INT.max" for label "maxInt(,)"
  • "STRING.gt" for label ">String"
  • "STRING.base2string" for label "Base2String"
  • "FLOAT.max" for label "maxFloat"
  • "BOOL.eq" for label "==Bool"
  • "STRING.floatFormat" for label "FloatFormat"
  • "FLOAT.div" for label "/Float"
  • "FLOAT.precision" for label "precisionFloat"
  • "STRING.chr" for label "chrChar"
  • "FLOAT.neg" for label "--Float_"
  • "FLOAT.le" for label "<=Float"
  • "FLOAT.int2float" for label "Int2Float"
  • "SET.size" for label "size"
  • "STRING.string2float" for label "String2Float"
  • "FLOAT.cos" for label "cosFloat"
  • "FLOAT.isNaN" for label "isNaN"
  • "MAP.difference" for label "-Map"
  • "INT.not" for label "~Int_"
  • "STRING.lt" for label "<String"
  • "FLOAT.sign" for label "signFloat"
  • "STRING.ord" for label "ordChar"
  • "FLOAT.exponentBits" for label "exponentBitsFloat"
  • "IO.stat" for label "#stat(_)"
  • "BOOL.orElse" for label "orElseBool"
  • "KEQUAL.ne" for label "=/=K"
  • "FLOAT.tan" for label "tanFloat"
  • "IO.putc" for label "#putc(,)"
  • "FLOAT.Float" for label "Float@FLOAT-SYNTAX"
  • "INT.shr" for label ">>Int"
  • "MAP.element" for label "|->"
  • "FLOAT.atan2" for label "atan2Float"
  • "INT.emod" for label "modInt"
  • "STRING.replace" for label "replace(,,,)"
  • "FLOAT.ceil" for label "ceilFloat"
  • "FLOAT.sub" for label "-Float"
  • "LIST.concat,.List()" for label "List@LIST"
  • "FLOAT.significand" for label "significandFloat"
  • "FLOAT.lt" for label "<Float"
  • "IO.close" for label "#close(_)"
  • "STRING.string2int" for label "String2Int"
  • "IO.tell" for label "#tell(_)"
  • "STRING.float2string" for label "Float2String"
  • "KRYPTO.keccak256" for label "Keccak256(_)"
  • "FLOAT.Float" for label "Float@FLOAT-SYNTAX"
  • "INT.pow" for label "^Int"
  • "STRING.length" for label "lengthString"
  • "IO.seek" for label "#seek(,)"
  • "INT.xor" for label "xorInt"
  • "FLOAT.float2int" for label "Float2Int"
  • "STRING.token2string" for label "#toStringFloat"
  • "INT.ediv" for label "divInt"
  • "IO.lstat" for label "#lstat(_)"
  • "MAP.in_keys" for label "in_keys()"
  • "MAP.choice" for label "Map:choice"
  • "FLOAT.exponent" for label "exponentFloat"
  • "INT.shl" for label "<<Int"
  • "BOOL.implies" for label "impliesBool"
  • "FLOAT.Float" for label "Float@FLOAT-SYNTAX"
  • "STRING.category" for label "categoryChar"
  • "IO.getc" for label "#getc(_)"
  • "FLOAT.floor" for label "floorFloat"
  • "FLOAT.ge" for label ">=Float"
  • "String.string2token" for label "#parseToken(,)"
  • "LIST.get" for label "List:get"
  • "STRING.int2string" for label "Int2String"
  • "SET.difference" for label "Set:difference"
  • "SUBSTITUTION.userSubstitutionKore" for label "[]"
  • "STRING.ge" for label ">=String"
  • "FLOAT.min" for label "minFloat"
  • "FLOAT.gt" for label ">Float"
  • "STRING.token2string" for label "toStringVerbatim"
  • "INT.or" for label "|Int"
  • "MAP.remove" for label "[<-undef]"
  • "STRING.String" for label "String@STRING-SYNTAX"
  • "INT.min" for label "minInt(,)"
  • "INT.and" for label "&Int"
  • "FLOAT.maxValue" for label "maxValueFloat"
  • "MAP.updateAll" for label "updateMap"
  • "INT.abs" for label "absInt"
  • "SET.element" for label "SetItem"
  • "BOOL.Bool" for label "false"
  • "FLOAT.asin" for label "asinFloat"
  • "FLOAT.exp" for label "expFloat"
  • "KEQUAL.eq" for label "==K"
  • "BOOL.Bool" for label "true"
  • "MAP.values" for label "values"
  • "BOOL.andThen" for label "andThenBool"
  • "MAP.size" for label "sizeMap"
  • "STRING.token2string" for label "Id2String"
  • "FLOAT.log" for label "logFloat"
  • "SET.choice" for label "Set:choice"
  • "LIST.in" for label "inList"
  • "SET.inclusion" for label "<=Set"
  • "LIST.range" for label "List:range"
  • "SUBSTITUTION.userSingletonSubstitutionKore" for label "[/_]"
  • "STRING.directionality" for label "directionalityChar"
  • "FLOAT.eq" for label "==Float"
  • "BOOL.xor" for label "xorBool"
  • "FLOAT.sin" for label "sinFloat"
  • "IO.read" for label "#read(,)"
  • "INT.rand" for label "randInt"
  • "IO.system" for label "#system"
  • "MAP.inclusion" for label "<=Map"
  • "BOOL.ne" for label "=/=Bool"
  • "FLOAT.atan" for label "atanFloat"
  • "IO.parseInModule" for label "#parseInModule"
  • "FLOAT.mul" for label "*Float"
  • "IO.getTime" for label "#getTime"
  • "FLOAT.rem" for label "%Float"
  • "IO.opendir" for label "#opendir(_)"
  • "FLOAT.add" for label "+Float"
  • "INT.srand" for label "srandInt"
  • "FLOAT.pow" for label "^Float"
  • "FLOAT.acos" for label "acosFloat"
  • "KRYPTO.sha3256" for label "Sha3256(_)"
  • "FLOAT.root" for label "rootFloat"
  • "KRYPTO.sha256" for label "Sha256(_)"
  • "FLOAT.minValue" for label "minValueFloat"