kfei / slack-cleaner

:speech_balloon: Bulk delete messages and files on Slack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to clean direct messages

jeremysshaw opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this tool - it's been great. However, my direct messages are building, and I can't easily clean them.

I have tried multiple variations on the following:
slack-cleaner --token --message --direct
using the token for the . I've tried adding --user (both "*" and an actual user) and --rate=1, but always get the same result - "0 message(s) will be cleaned."

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

btw, I'd love to be able to use "*" (or similar) as the param to --direct, as I need to script through all my users one-by-one :-/

Thanks much!


I'm having the same issue.

Same issue here! I can only delete half of the conversation in any direct message channel.

btw, I'd love to be able to use "*" (or similar) as the param to --direct, as I need to script through all my users one-by-one :-/

I added a regex support in https://github.com/sgratzl/slack-cleaner for channel, group, and direct

it seems like to be an slack restrictions, since I cannot delete direct messages from the opposite partner via the slack ui either.

Anyone able to delete direct messages?

I can:

docker run -it --rm sgratzl/slack-cleaner -c "slack-cleaner --token xoxp-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --message --direct username1 --user username2 --perform --rate 1"

I don't have a username for the direct messages channel i want to delete.
Only a real name like "David Seek", I have tried --direct David\ Seek but doesnt seem to work.
Still getting: Channel, direct message or private group not found

if you use my fork version there is also the --info command listing all users, channels, ... with this you should be able to identify your user. Or you use the develop version in which you have more control how to identify the user

Yeah. Using --info I have been able to get the userID. Thank you