keyrunHORNET / date_picker_converter

Nepali Date Picker with Date conversion from BS to AD and vice-versa

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from null array

itsme801 opened this issue · comments

I used your code to display the a simple datepicker but it says,

Can you figure out why is this issue seen ? I've not added anything just simple datepicker only

send me a snippet of your code too.

let me check and get back to you

In that screenshot i forgot to include,
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); [included in my code though]

Try on user click event instead. and let me know after

No its not working now also, I've called the method in menuItem onclick, but the app crashed with the same issue

Can you suggest any solutions?

i'll let you know, I am kind of Busy right now. Meanwhile you can fork this repo and play around with code to fit your need.

Hello @itsme801 , have you solved the issue?? I am facing the same issue.

@rokayaHK no, i tried everything possible, but the issue is not solved

array thats shown null is actually initialized in the constructor of DateConverter. That should not happen. I would like to have a look at your project. Share in Github or mail me the ZIP. If its possible.