keycloak / keycloak-quickstarts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

$$VERSION$$ in example yaml possibly not resolved

andreas-ibm opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I'm no k8s expert, let's start with that!

I have a script that effectively follows, so at one stage it runs:

kubectl create -f

which used to work fine, but since #458 and #459 it doesn't...

If I manually download the yaml and replace $$VERSION$$ with the latest version it works again, so I'm pretty sure it's the cause.

Is there meant to be some magic that I'm missing? I can obviously put some sed magic in my script to do the replacement, but I'd suggest the above getting-started page would need improving to tell users they need to perform the substitution.



Expected behavior

Keycloak up and running

Actual behavior

Got this error:

  Type     Reason         Age                   From               Message
  ----     ------         ----                  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled      17m                   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned default/keycloak-794869df8-trspp to worker-3
  Warning  Failed         15m (x12 over 17m)    kubelet            Error: InvalidImageName
  Warning  InspectFailed  2m51s (x72 over 17m)  kubelet            Failed to apply default image tag "$$VERSION$$": couldn't parse image reference "$$VERSION$$": invalid reference format

How to Reproduce?

Follow instruction on

Anything else?

No response

@andreas-ibm Thanks for the report. This indeed seems like a bug.

I have just encountered the same problem. Would it make sense to use a specific tag again in this manifest, or update the documentation to let users know that they need to change the version tag before applying?

Fixed the script + updated the latest branch to now point to 22.0.3

Cool, confirmed fixed

The script seems to be broken again, as I just hit this issue trying to deploy Keycloak based on the getting started guide.

@virtualdxs Should be fixed in #504, it will be part of the next release.