keyboardio / Model01-Firmware

The "standard" Keyboardio Model 01 Firmware sketch.

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ps/2 fallback support

rudolph9 opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to connect the model01 via a usb->ps/2 adapter but the looking in the bios the Port is not recognizing the device and listed as empty.

I don't actually have a standard ps/2 keyboard to verify the port is working correctly or another device to verify the adapter is working correctly but the Model 01 powers on and is responsive when typing so I suspect the model01 just doesn't have support for it?

The best explanation I can find is a random post on reddit

Any background info or direction for enabling support would be greatly appreciated!

For an other USB keyboard, to make this work, I had to use a .. somewhat special adaptor, that does something to ensure enough power is supplied to the keyboard. maybe it contains capacitors or .. I am not good in electronics, but there are adapters especially made for that, which cost a few bucks more, but also not much.