kewlbear / Open3D-iOS

Swift package for using Open3D in iOS apps

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Eigen headers are not exposed when trying to use C++ based Open3d from Obj-C++ code

pzoltowski opened this issue · comments

I'm current using this swift/python based package but want to port some code to use Open3d C++ based code directly from Obj-c++ code.

I included:
#import <open3d/Open3D.h>
but I'm getting compiler error
#include <Eigen/Core> 'Eigen/Core' file not found
open3d PinholeCameraIntrinsic.h

Is there a way to expose Eigen headers from this Open3d-iOS package so that we can still directly call C++ based code?
When I'm embedding another copy of Eigen project to my project Eigen has to be called as user defined headers I guess and Open3d won't see it.
#include "Eigen/Core"

Did you check out #15?