kevinhowbrook / wagtailreport

WIP: Content report screen for the wagtail admin UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wagtail Report

"Hey, is there anywhere in the admin UI I can see a list of page types with counts?"


The idea so far is to provide a report of page types with page counts. So far it's assumed that all your page models extend, that's probably not good enough but it's a start.


  • Is it useful for developers to see class inheritance in a dropdown row? Probably not, goes slightly against the publishing focus of the admin interface.
  • Models that aren't page models but are models.Model
  • Test
  • Backwards compatability
  • Readme and screenshot update
  • Package up for pypi


WIP: Content report screen for the wagtail admin UI


Language:HTML 52.3%Language:Python 47.7%